I should get a black shirt and a white shirt and SEW THEM TOGETHER.
Because that won't look weird at all.
Actually, it would be sorta fun. And possibly confusing.
Plan what to do, what to wear (you can never go wrong with a corset), and get ready for the next BuffistaCon: San Francisco, May 19-21, 2006! Everything else, go here! Swag!
I should get a black shirt and a white shirt and SEW THEM TOGETHER.
Because that won't look weird at all.
Actually, it would be sorta fun. And possibly confusing.
There were four giant candy necklaces in the 75% off Easter candy, so I bought them to bring along. They are titled "The King of All Love Beads."
OK. I'll be ringing up Lilibeth for a lookover and note-taking session, meeting the chef, etc, sometime this coming week. If anyone has any questions or problems, the next couple of days would be the time to let me know.
And question, about food:
1. I'm going to start putting the list of what will be out to greet people in the hospitality suite. I know juliana offered to bake, and I know Vortex is planning a cheesecake; I'll be doing a decent mixture of things, salads, citrus, probably something in the way or charcuterie (organic, Pete, no nitrites), plus cheeses and chicken. Beverages will also be taken care of, along with paper plates, bowls, etc. There will be trash bags aplenty, as well as separate bags for recycling. There will be a corkboard or whiteboard for messages; there will be ingredients lists for all the food I provide (I leave the rest of the ingredients lists up to the individual cooks). There will be wine, and glasses, and a corkscrew; there will be bubbly, and paper towels. There will be stern reminders, issued with my usual lack of tact, to please pick up after yourselves as much as possible, to minimise the issue.
I'm thinking I really only need to do one dessert (see above, in re juliana and Vortex), and with this crowd, my suspicion is that a tequila lime tart is the way to go. Yea or nay?
Other question is in re the Sunday thing at our place. I could use a headcount of within five or so attendees; so, if you're planning on coming over for the BBQ at our place, could you email me? Profiile addy is good.
Oh, and I suspect that it will go on nicely into the evening; at some point, either we'll have to boot everyone out and go feed the southcats in San Jose, or else poor Nic willn have to go do it on his own. But the Sunday, a headcount, even just a basic one, would be good.
...er - count me in. Obviously. Although I'm also heading out for the Baseball match, so it won't be for the whole time. (Wish could split self into Suave!Fay and Dorky!Fay and do both, damn it! Or maybe Regular!Fay and Vamp!Fay would be good. Well, apart from the whole 'Sunlight! Argh!' element. Hmm.)
wrt food, I'd been planning on bringing some Egyptian pastries, but there's no hope in hell of me giving a detailed list of ingredients, beyond 'honey and nuts and flour of some kind'.
It occurred to me last night (whilst out with parents drinking mint tea and smoking apple sheesha under the stars) that perhaps some people might like to have a crack at sheesha at the barbecue/at some other point, and that I could bring one out, with a range of flavoured tobaccos. And then I thought about it some more, and seemed to remember that in California, smoking was roughly equivalent to eating pork products in Egypt. So - probably not a good idea, I'm thinking, Deb? Health issues and all that?
Am VERY excited. Still. Obviously.
ND, the Miracleborns, and I will be there for most of the day Sunday, but we'll be driving back to LA some time late afternoon. I think ND and I were going to try to go up to the Winchester House in the late morning, but we still plan to at least pop our heads into the BBQ before we take off.
I can't imagine there'd be any problem at all with the sheesha, sweetie - so long as you're willing to risk dealing with an airport customs guard at your port of entry who will likely think you're saying "hasheesh" when he asks you identify it. So long as you're out of doors, no problem; while I don't allow smoking tobacco inside the house, I provide ashtrays and I have two excellent porches that can be hung out upon. Also, Jeannie (downstairs) is a smoker, and doesn't do it indoors any longer because she doesn't want the house to smell like tobacco, so there's always her ashtray out on the back porch, as well.
As I say, though, whether a partial attendee or a fulltime, please please to send an email? There's no way in hell I'm going to be able to keep the lists straight if I try to assemble it all from here, especially since the previous week is HWA and the women writers' arm of horror, Persephone, will be doing signings and I'm hosting a party here for them, as well....
Kristin, as said above: ANYONE COMING, PLEASE EMAIL!
It's a "trying to correlate all the info from the thread will make Deb's head explode" deal.
Thing is though, isn't the Winchester House a decent distance south of the City? Also, does anyone know how long we should plan on being at the Winchester house?
Do you need ashtrays for sheesha? I've only ever seen it smoked in a hookah.
Tequila lime tart sounds fantabulous, deb.
I saw a bottle of champagne yesterday that was all done up in a red latex corset. The Jean-Paul Gaultier edition. Do they have this in the US? If not, it's probably my contribution.
There will be stern reminders, issued with my usual lack of tact, to please pick up after yourselves as much as possible, to minimise the issue.
Oh I have a gooood nasty glare that kinda works for this. I predict cooperation.
So sad that my flight departs SFO 1pm Sunday. At least I won't have to choose between all the things that I want to do. Sigh. Stupid work.