F2F 3: Who's Bringing the Guacamole?
Plan what to do, what to wear (you can never go wrong with a corset), and get ready for the next BuffistaCon: San Francisco, May 19-21, 2006! Everything else, go here! Swag!
First—thanks for all the work. Overall, this sounds great. However, there's one thing I feel pretty strongly about that I need to voice. I believe an open bar between 7-9 is a waste of money. My experience as the hotel coordinator last year and as attendee the year before was that almost no one gets to Prom until 9. Most people are having dinner and then going through the time-consuming process of corsetting/dollying/prettying up. I understand your concerns about drunk driving, Deb, but most people are staying at the hotel that night, and I truly believe that those few who aren't have the good sense to either have a designated driver or stop drinking early enough on their own. Many people pay extra money to stay at the hotel on Prom night for exactly that reason.
Ideally, a 9-1 bar would serve the most people, though I'd be okay with a compromise of 8-12. I don't mean to be a pain in the ass, but I really believe that an earlier bar time would be wasted money.
ETA: Not trying to slam your work in any way here. Just speaking as a rare drinker who would really like to be able to drink without watching the clock that night.
Kristin is wise. I hadn't thought about it specifically, but I think that matches my recollections from other proms as well.
brenda, any chance you have any of your yummy Ponche left?
Don't think I'm going to chance taking it on a plane. Guess you'll just have to come up to Chicago...
My experience as the hotel coordinator last year and as attendee the year before was that almost no one gets to Prom until 9.
Oh, good call -- I hadn't even thought about that.
I'll still be tossing some more cash to the kitty with my next paycheck on Thursday.
Kristin, the money is the money. We need to spend X amount - so waste, how?
What's pinging you except the time slot?
Yo, Nicole. Insent.
Deb, not Kristin, and no Prom experience, I think she is just helping to make the most of the time we do have. No waste, but let's have the bar available during the hours of most use.
Yo, Nicole. Insent.
Gots it. Heading over to Y!IM so we can chat.
No waste, but let's have the bar available during the hours of most use.
Yep, that's what I was asking - is there anything other than the time that's at issue? Because the time slot is easily fixable.
FTR, is there any reason at earth why anyone - this is the non-drinker who's been physically damaged by drunk driving asking here - who desperately needs to drink at one in the morning and is staying in the hotel can't do it upstairs in the hospitality suite? I'm curious.
Deb, not Kristin, and no Prom experience, I think she is just helping to make the most of the time we do have. No waste, but let's have the bar available during the hours of most use.
Yes, this is what I meant. Sorry if I wasn't clear.
Deb, it's just the time slot, yes. And I—who has never in my life driven drunk—would like the option to drink late, yes. I doubt I'll be at the Prom before 9, and I'd like to drink slowly over the next few hours rather than feel pressured to drink quickly so as to avoid having to pay for drinks. Honestly, I've had friends and students killed by drunk drivers—if I thought that extending the open bar would cause it, I wouldn't suggest it. But seriously, most of us are staying at the hotel that night, and I really believe that we will look out for anyone who isn't. We're all adults, yes? Not trying to be snarky, just honestly surprised that you think that we'll be drunk driving if we have a later open bar.
Not trying to be snarky, just honestly surprised that you think that we'll be drunk driving if we have a later open bar.
No, no, not later - I was mentally allowing an hour between last call and hitting the steering wheel, but the actual hour doesn't matter at all. If you (universal you, not you specifically) isn't driving until two, one ack emma is no problem at all. It's the distance between last call and lights out, not the actual time. Later is fine.
Would most people prefer 8 to midnight, nine to one, or something in between?