Nicole, I've been thinking about it.
F2F 3: Who's Bringing the Guacamole?
Plan what to do, what to wear (you can never go wrong with a corset), and get ready for the next BuffistaCon: San Francisco, May 19-21, 2006! Everything else, go here! Swag!
(muttering at all the non-metal-allergic women with cool tats)
And very pretty it is too, Empress. what kind of money are we talking here? Just out of curiosity... much does it cost to get a small tattoo, exactly? In SF?
Depending on the artist and the complexity of the design, I'd say between $50-100.
I do want a third one, but I need more time to think about the design.
I'm not a tattoo fan so I'm not knowledgeable about prices, but the SF Bay Area has to have one of the higher concentrations of shops in the US, which logically should mean lower prices. Anyway, Sacred Rose Tattoo's FAQ says thusly:
Currently we have a shop minimum of $50. Our hourly rate for large work is $150. Most artists will quote you a price on smaller work during a personal consultation. We do not quote prices over the phone or online, but we will take appointments with a deposit given over the phone.
Totally cheering on the radical hair color changes and tattoos. Not indulging in either.
Jessica, did you get my email letting you know I added the new file for the tee backs?
I did, and I changed the grey shirts to use the new graphic. (I just forgot to mention it, um, anywhere. Oops!)
Pthlbbthpthlpppbt! Cafepress is "temporarily out of stock" of the SF2F tote bag. But I have the money *now*. pout.
Cool. Just needed to be sure my email had gotten through.