Stunning design Pete!
Trick is we've got very eclectic tastes in this group, so there's an awful lot of one man's trash is another mans treasure.
And I noticed that everyone was good with whatever music was selected. Yeah, we're an easy bunch. (go rock, choose vintage rock!)
Pete--so gorgeous! Really. I'm in love!
As for everything else, once I get my aviophobic ass on a plane and get out to see y'all, it's all good. Better than good.
As far as I can tell, Deb asked for classic rock and a whole bunch of folks were good with that. So that, something swoopy for Jilli, something for smonster to dance to, a mix of other stuff, and we're good, right?
There really wasn't a single thing suggested, either in terms of musical genre or specific song, that I had a problem with. Most of them (that I'd heard of) sounded cracking.
ND, I'm sorry if you feel under pressure, or that people have unreasonable expectations or whatever, and I'm sorry if I pissed you off by suggesting stuff. I really didn't mean (and didn't interpret other people) to be saying "You must play my favourite song! My F2F experience will be lessened by its absence!" and if it came across that way, I really regret it. I was pretty much in a 'Fire Bad, Music Pretty' headspace.
I'm not feeling a need to apologize because it was asked of us to throw out song requests...
Everyone just post what you want and I'll put something together.
ND, if you're exhausted and cranky, maybe waiting to take a look at the music requests for after you've had some rest might be a good idea. Silence would make for an odd prom, IMO, and I'd love it if you'd still put something together.
Hey, if ND doesn't bring his music making machine he shall have to sing for us.
(love ya sweety, don't stress, it'll all be good)
Screw the requests, Drew. You're a professional with a ginormous library and whatever you lovingly put together will surely be great and wide-ranging and a bunch of fun.
[Edit: cool number!]
Good lord, I wasn't trying to set something off. But Drew's right: the math is straightforward, so much so that even I can do it. Sixty people, even at one song apiece. Assuming each song is 1963 or before - which is pretty much the last time the average song was under three minutes long - that's 180 minutes, at a bare minimum.
So, three hours right there. That won't fly. Only way that's going to work is if it's pretty much preloaded with stuff and set to shuffle.
Besides, aint gonna stick poor Drew with being glued to the machine all night, damn it. He's going to want to swing his kilt and dance.
And if anyone even looks like mentioning pi to alter the fabric of the math, I will tell the chef to put ipecac in the hors d'ouvres.
edit: and manoman, two hours sleep is not helping the old concentration any. Pete! That design is frickin' perfect.
Bravo Pete! That looks wonderful.
That's a fantablulous looking design. Thanks so much, Pete & Jessica!