Dude. There will be NO TRASHING.
Right. It wasn't that kind of trashed, just, needed a trash bag brigade and a sponge on that last day. During the length of the weekend, there tended to be random crap left around -- I think it became the de facto doodad exchange, as well as a lost and found -- but there were no raw fish, goats, or flames.
I have photos of the trash bag brigade, actually. We were pretty impressed with our mad housecleaning skillz.
There will be NO TRASHING. Not unless you're bringing a rock star as a date and in that case, we'll hand him over to the concierge to deal with.
::crosses off Invite Iron Maiden for Maidengurl from To Do list::
::crosses off Invite Iron Maiden for Maidengurl from To Do list::
Hey now, they might behave themselves...let's not be hasty.
I just meant messy. Not Led Zeppelin.
Two words: Keith. Moon.
When "trashed" equals "flamethrower". Or, put another way:
Keith Moon: He put the "ash" back in "trashed"
My favorite Keith wrecking story is definitely the birthday that included him (a) slipping on marzipan and knocking out a front tooth and (b) driving a car into a pool.
slipping on marzipan and knocking out a front tooth
That's a really embarassing way to lose a tooth. You'd think he'd lie about it. ("Oh, this? Bar fight. Yeah, had a barstool broken across my face. Pisser, innit?")
I wonder if the marzipan was on a pie plate?
Keith wouldn't have bothered to lie, believe me. Would have been quite matter-of-fact about it, and surprised if anyone thought he ought to be embarassed. He didn't embarass easily.