Just caught up. Not sure whether I can still go, but I think I'd spend the whole week before and after moping around like a miserable thing what mopes if not, so maybe I should... think of the children? Someone's children.
I did vote undecided in the poll, though if I'm there, I'll be there.
The Scooby Road viewing and the readings alone make me weep with the thought of missing it. (ETA: So I don't even want to think about missing seeing everyone.) Naturally, loving ND's post about recording the readings...
Love the concert tour-style tee idea.
Jen, if you do come, I will pamper you senseless.
You should definitely come, Jen.
I'm so annoyed that I don't have Photoshop at work right now. Granted, I'd use it more for making LJ icons and designing Buffista swag than actual work, but still!
::Dear Universe, I've been a pretty good girl (so far) this year. As an incentive to be a pretty good girl for the remainder of the year, all I ask is that Jen comes to SF to play with all of us. She will be pampered and petted and fawned over, and that's undeniably good for anyone's health::
Thank you in advance, Me
Can the F2F happen like now. I'm so busy and so tired I can't tell if I'm coming or going.
If you're yelling "Oh God OH GOD" it's not going.
What's required of the design for the F2F shirt? I could probably whip something up if people would like. As long as it's not stepping on anyone's toes.
Are you kidding us, Pete? I think I can say we'd all...um, eat candy necklaces off your neck for the chance to have a t-shirt designed by you.
I think the coast is clear on the SF shirts, Pete. I'm still trying to find spare time to work on one for last year.