Pete, no nites for you.
Very much obliged. FYI, to any who've never looked into nitrites, there's increasing evidence that these things have carcinogenic properties. I can't link to anything as this was something I read in a flyer a few months back, but it was a bit of a shocker to find out they're potentially even worse than I thought.
Back to the holiday stuff... eh-hem... Wheeeeeeeeeee!
HWA is in SF the previous weekend, and I'm doing a luncheon.
Aww, drat. Well, I still want to go to Borderlands.
Jilli, I'd be glad to squire you anywhere you need to go. And I think JZ has already pegged her future happiness on thrifting with you in San Francisco.
I'm totally up for a trip to Dark Garden (shamefully, I'm really curious to see if they have any pictures from my hour in the window at Christmas).
There will also be a thrifting trip to Haight Street, yes?
And I think JZ has already pegged her future happiness on thrifting with you in San Francisco.
Well, I certainly can't stand in the way of JZ and her happiness. A thrifting trip? I
I could be talked into that.
omg squeee!
Jilli, I almost forgot - Nic was looking through his collection of corsetry photos online and I heard a pleased little noise and a "Hey! I know this person!"
And went to look, and there you were. Made my day.
If I could tag along on the thrifting trip, I would adore you all.
I'd bet that Kristin would want to get in on a Dark Garden trip too.
JZ, I'm assuming Wasteland and those, but aren't there also a couple on Upper Market, near the Castro? and there's always the amazing one on Fillmore.
And if you're on Fillmore, there's always lunch at La Mediterranee...
Off the top of my head, the Upper Haight has Wasteland, Held Over, Buffalo Exchange, and the Goodwill store (which often is ass, but occasionally has some good surprises). Aaardvark's is also there and might be worth a quick look, but has been crap for rather a long while.
And for incredibly pricey, save-up-for-months extremely splurgey vintage there's LaRosa's and a new place that's opened up almost right across the street from LaRosa's -- both are quite expensive but worth it: very beautiful (frequently couture) vintage stuff for both men and women, in excellent, wearable condition. Not for the bargain hunter, but great for vintage pieces you'll still feel happy about years later.
IIRC, there may be some more vintage and thrift in the Lower Haight, plus at least one good record store, and there's plenty of thrift and vintage all along Valencia Street in the neighborhood of the pirate store and Good Vibrations.
The Fillmore, Upper Market and the Castro I don't really know at all, unfortunately (I remember looking out the car or bus window and seeing some places but have no recollection of exact names or locations), but if someone else wants to lead the way I'm there.