Badges, nametagse, easy with either or neither. Again, no shyness, so I don't mind blinking at someone and saying "Right - I recognise the face but I need a name, svp?" But I know that a lot of people do squirm at having to ask.
I plan on just calling everyone "Fiona". That's okay, right?
The number on the poll results is now at 45. I just realised, though, that I'm an idiot: 45 is the total who answered, not the attendees. Stoopid math.
Bother, said Deb...
I voted yes twice, once for me, once for S, so the head count should be a little higher now.
36 Yes, 5 Undecided, 4 No
Woot! Excellence. The number, she climbs.
Is there any reason for people to go in to vote no (other than being obsessed with taking polls, which I can sometimes cop to)? Just seems like a potential complicator.
brenda, nope - not for my purposes, anyway. I need a positive headcount, not a negative one.
Thinking I'll set my big 40-60 cup catering coffeemaker up in the hospitality suite, along with a metric fuckload of Starbucks Sumatra roast.
Coffee good.
In New Orleans one morning I headed out thinking of coffee and beignets at the Cafe du Monde. Partway there I spotted a big sign saying "Caffeine" with an arrow. They knew their audience.
Partway there I spotted a big sign saying "Caffeine" with an arrow.
I took a picture of that sign: [link]
BWAH! Yep. Gotta love a city that knows how to work the room.