Pah. Empty threat, Mister Eleventy-Jillion Miles North Of Here.
The same could be said of your bravado. Beepage shall come.
Damn you, Pete, now you've got my nose itching again.
Beep. Beep. Beep!
Pete, have you heard of Emeline's new trick?
Nope. Hopefully you can teach her to say Beepbeepbeep at Jilli. I'm sure Kristin will make a fine person to practice on.
Beep. Beep. Beep!
Gaaaah! Stop typing that! Stop saying that!
Hopefully you can teach her to say Beepbeepbeep at Jilli. I'm sure Kristin will make a fine person to practice on.
My, you really are a howling vortex of evil, aren't you? Yet, cute! Oh, so cute! And also adorable!
If you beep my nose, I just may have to pinch your cheeks and call you Bubeleh. Fair warning, you precious little dumpling.
JZ, you misspelled adorable.
Perkins, he's just so sweet and cute I get all flustered. Couldn't you just eat him up with a spoon?
It's harder to say which is cuter, really-- Jilli's squeeking or Pete's squinchy face.
eats popcorn and awaits outcome of cheek-pinch gold medal round
Apparently all our squeeing has frightened Pete off. He's probably cringing at his computer right now with his hands over his (squinchy) face, reading our posts through his fingers. It's possibly the most adorable thing ever.
It's harder to say which is cuter, really-- Jilli's squeeking or Pete's squinchy face.
Oh, Pete's squinchy face. And not just because I'm clinging to the faint hope that I'm really NOT a squeak-toy.