I'll keep it safe until then, Katefate.
Ooh, if I count my house in Maine, I get to add Tom Scola and Java Cat to the list too.
Gunn ,'Underneath'
Plan what to do, what to wear (you can never go wrong with a corset), and get ready for the next BuffistaCon: San Francisco, May 19-21, 2006! Everything else, go here! Swag!
I'll keep it safe until then, Katefate.
Ooh, if I count my house in Maine, I get to add Tom Scola and Java Cat to the list too.
she's a big ol' social disease.
Hopefully the funny syphilis kind.
Hopefully the funny syphilis kind
Does that mean we'll all die laughing after we catch it?
With any luck, SailAweigh.
Thanks to Lee, indiscriminately spreading her ... buffistadom.
katefate, did you get the package I sent you?
Ya know, they have horse drawn carriages in New Orleans, too.
Technically they're mule-drawn carriages. I'm not sure how to say mule in French, nor how they take to groping.
katefate, did you get the package I sent you?
Yes, you big sweetie! Thank you so much - it was a lovely surprise. I posted about it last night in Goodbye and Good Riddance. More smoochies to you here.
I posted about it last night in Goodbye and Good Riddance.
I just caught up over there. Glad it arrived intact. Mwah!
I'm not sure how to say mule in French, nor how they take to groping.
Stubbornly, I'd presume.
Curse you, wee Matt! I was gonna say that.
Stubbornly, I'd presume.
This may account for the fact that the only way to get a mule is to mate a horse with a donkey.