OK - since we have lots of folks thinking about May. A while back the idea of getting a suite for the A's/Giants game on Sunday was floated.
I can get a 12 person suite (and can get up to 4 extra tix) for that game - free. Folks would just need to cover the cost of food. Transportation from SF to the game is easy - BART is basically door to door from the hotel to the coliseum in Oakland.
I just need to know there are enough non-Bay to Breakers folks who are interested and I will get a suite booked. Please send a note to suziq at alamedanet dot net to let me know you are interested (and how many).
As I have never organized anything like this before, is posting this response notice here enough, or should I post something in Press?
I think in here is fine, MG.
Count Hec and me in on the A's game (unless too many people say yes, in which case I'll bow out to make room for a non-localista, since I've got plenty of non-F2F chances for both A's games and MG hang-out time). (I have a feeling Hec won't be all nice and self-sacrificing that way, though.)
Ok, since I am pretty sure I am coming, I would love to volunteer my assistance to anyone who needs it for food, drinks, entertainment, etc. I will be spending my cash on place tix and booze and dinner, but I would really like to pull my weight, so...anyone, please let me know if I can help.
I have 1 sad vacation dayt left, so I am going to try REAL hard to take off that Friday, and fly in Thursday after work and leave on Sunday afternoon.
Is there anything I can do, bring, acquire?
JZ, David, Deb -- I am SO excited to see y'all again!
Juliana, I'm psyched to be Cute Single Girl on the Town with you!
Kristin, totally jazzed to meet you IRL! LEt's giggle and drink and talk at the Prom!
Who else is coming? ChiKat, I think? You were SO COOL in Chi!
Teppy? Trudy? Plei? Aimee? Joe?
BETSY!!!!! I love Betsy and her HOTT leather pants of kick-ass mom-dom!
I'm so fucking psyched!
Juliana, I'm psyched to be Cute Single Girl on the Town with you!
Hopefully smonster will be with us too, so we can be the Trifecta of Hot Singleness! AWESOME.
You know it! And I have two Hott Dresses to wear. And heels, although they are not the Fabu Gucci Heels of DebG fame (she popped my Designer Shoewear cherry in LA), they are Italian and sexay.
whee! Erin-age!
Basically, whee! everyone! I'm very excited.
Hey, is there still localista couch space available? I'm planning to come out on Wednesday and stay through Monday, and I can't afford to stay in a hotel the whole time. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Also, I totally want to join the Trifecta of Hot Singleness, though I guess that would make it a... quadrifecta?
whee! so excited!