Heh. Too late, bebe; I rang them up. They're on it.
God's truth, I'm amazed they even offer smoking rooms. This is San Francisco; our anti-smoking legislation is so fanatic, it borders on facist sometimes.
They'll be ringing me back shortly; she knows I'm out from half past two until about half past four, but she has my cell.
Thanks, Deb! I didn't mean to make this your problem when I posted but, boy-o, would I be thrilled to have a non-smoking room.
Sparky, it is my problem - I'm point person. This is my job. I agreed to do it.
That being the case, I'm a-gonna do it.
There will be non-smoking rooms for all who so desire, even if I have to go down there and Speak To People.
So, it's looking v. good for the BF and I to attend the F2F this year. He's checking to see if he can get the days off, and if so, we'll be coming.
Quiet yay so as not to jinx things.
I'm definitely not going to be able to make it tonight. Have a great time for me!
Sorry to hear that, Perkins.
Meanwhile, for those attending, I'd like to direct your attention to smonster's live journal entry where she says, "do I move out here?"
When does our window to book rooms close?
Got some time. Good to know.
OK, the word from Eva, at Group Reservations at the actual hotel, rather than at Central Booking for the chain:
There is no reason for anyone to be having any kind of problem with a non-smoking room. Eva herself runs the hotel's internal block booking stuff, and put in the original order; she went back and looked and confirmed that she hadn't specified X number either way. She says there's absolutely no shortage of non-smoking rooms.
She gave me a number to get a code for this stuff, but we've been playing phone tag.
Looks as if it's already ironed out, but we'll confirm that in the morning.