Smonster says, "HI!" My hubby returns from his trip tonight with the computer, so maybe you'll all hear from her yourself sometime. She seems to be having an amazing experience at her workshop.
8 o'clock for dinner is fine with her. Pre-dinner is a possibility, if everything ends on time.
Is anyone else thinking that we should just supply K-Bug with a fake ID, or am I the only one who leans towards corrupting minors?
Is anyone else thinking that we should just supply K-Bug with a fake ID, or am I the only one who leans towards corrupting minors?
No, you're not the only one, but I don't know that she could pass for 18, much less 21
Okay - so I'm seeing: smonster, Sparky, Deb, Hec, Maidengurl+1, myself, Katerina, Perkins - which gives me a count of 9. JZ? Any spouses? I should probably make a reservation tonight, which is why I ask.
No on Nic; it's a catfeeding night and anyway, he doesn't like Afghan food.
There is a chance C may join us (if so, play dumb on all the drama I have shared with y'all). I will find out for sure tonight.
juliana - if there is a place we can do pre-dinner with the teens, cool, if not, really, no big - just let me know.
At this point, I'm still a maybe leaning towards a no.
My hubby will not attend. (Frisbee game, of course.)
What'sa matter, Perkins? Don'tcha like food no more?
I'll be there!!
Okay, I won't really be there, but I want to be. Fun Buffistas in San Francisco mixed with Afghan food? That sounds wonderful! A girl can dream for a while, right??
Katerina shall attend without DH, but she may arrive in the company of MG & teenager(s). Alert the press.
ChiKat, I'll save you a seat, OK?
Ok - C is going to join us, so it is me plus 2. Don't worry about pre-din arrangements for the teens. Go out and have a Vodka. Katie is going to meet up with us and we will wonder our way over.