Sadly, Muni fare has gone up since the last info-gathering; it's now a whopping $1.50.
Hrmph! Back to the drawing board as this changes everything. What were the Vegas options again?
Thanks for the list Deb. I'll update with a whole lot more in the Things To Do category after the soccer game, basketball game and the boy's 14th b'day party today. Tomorrow should be a little more relaxed.
Thanks for all the compliments on the page. I just did a big thread suck and put what I found on one page. Added pretty pictures. No shortage of pretty in the area.
Just read beep me. Have fun with smonster. Give her a big hug and smooch for me.
It was with particular glee that I added you to the localistas list juliana.
So I'd better do my first localista duty and arrange Thursday night's dinner. What do people think of Helmand? I think it would be appropriate for our wandering bellydancer, but if anyone has any other ideas, I'm happy to hear them.
juliana, I'd actually suggested Helmand to smonster and she salivated.
We went there -Lee, JohnSweden, Sparky and me - and adored it. The food is gorgeous.
There's a Helmand in Cambridge, which I'm pretty sure is owned by the same family, and it is yummy!
Yup, same family. Very, very tasty. It's unfortunate, though, that the one in Cambridge isn't, like the one in San Francisco, within walking distance of two great bookstores and a bar with working gaslights and a booth for lady psychiatrists.
Ours is near a Sears and a Best Buy!
never mind
great page Laura. I'm so excited!
::waves at Laura::
I'm down with the Helmand. I'll be done with class around 3:30 or 4, and will need to go back to Berkeley and shower. I think Beth is coming, too.
(OMG, getting kind of nervous about tomorrow)
(But so excited to be here and to see y'all on Thurs)
I am, indeed, planning on the Helmand to feed me on Thursday night. Smonster arrived safely at my apartment last night, and she's even more gorgeous than the last time I saw her. My hubby took the home computer on a business trip, so if you have messages for her, I'm happy to relay or hand out my telephone number so you can call.