Woot! Plei, if it ends up being SF, are you guys coming? If so, you've got yourself a chauffeuse for the entire trip, no matter what else happens.
Deb, you want the IFB? It's quite helpful, I'm finding.
Plan what to do, what to wear (you can never go wrong with a corset), and get ready for the next BuffistaCon: San Francisco, May 19-21, 2006! Everything else, go here! Swag!
Woot! Plei, if it ends up being SF, are you guys coming? If so, you've got yourself a chauffeuse for the entire trip, no matter what else happens.
Deb, you want the IFB? It's quite helpful, I'm finding.
I'll send this to you and then send a new one once I get the NOLA info.
I'm uncomfortable with anything beyond walking distance from the hotel.
Because of drinking/driving concerns?
I live in NYC -- this concern is alien to me. Or is it another concern?
Deb, insent. And no snark read into it.
Teppy, the group didn't. It was something I gleaned from conversations at verious times over the past year or so, as something that needed addressed. So, basically, it's a starting point. If the collective we decide to up it, that's cool. It is a kind of fiat, yes. (I would like to wait until after the date vote, so we know how big The Group is to change any of the place stuff.)
Debet, can I toss a few thoughts into the pool? Just, literally, as thoughts? I'm seriously not trying to step on any toes.
Of course, Deb.
OK - one of the things bubbling (in an "eventually maybe be bread" way, rather than an "ooooh! fermentation! BEER!" way) is an earlier casual mention - Perkins and I both did, me following her - about the fact that she has room for a houseguest(s). So do I.
Given the large number of residents in the greater Bay Area, should that be considered as part of the larger expense pool? The fact that anywhere up to X number of potential attendees, who otherwise might find $300-plus in hotel fees burdonsome (edit: burdensome? Feh, both spellings look wrong), if not impossible, might be able to swing it if offered houseroom?
And, if that is a factor, should that be part of whatever proposal I put together, or should it not even be considered a factor until after a formal location vote is taken?
And I'll see after I get back from Costco...
I think that's definately worth thinking about.
Hmmmm...Ok. First instinct reaction: Definately put it in the Big Compendium of Pimpage as "local/free beds available" or somesuch (I think it would be worthwhile for all the locations). I'd assume that there are people who will be on budgets but would rather stay at the hotel, so as to be closer to the action, so, I'm not sure on the hotel decision. We may need to burn that bridge when we cover it, as it may also significantly change how many rooms we need, and, therefore, change what we want in a hotel contract.
Add Zmayhem to the room-for-a-guest list (also to the chauffeurage list). Though I'm really not sure whether that has been factored into F2Fs before -- I vaguely remember some F2Fers staying with DCistas, and a handful the year before staying with LAistas, but I don't know if it's been officially factored into the decision-making process. Though quite possibly it should be.
My, that was a lot of words to say not much at all.
I'm not sure it got counted before, JZ. If we do end up in SF, I might get a room at whatever hotel we choose for Saturday night, since I live outside the city. I did that in LA, and my house guests just crashed with me at the hotel as well.