Would be happy to do so again.
Deb, (help) organize or put people up?
Both, depending on what's needed. But I'm not into grabbing control of something that isn't mine to grab - just letting you know that, if that's a point in having it here, I can and will do hotel research, menu planning, activity stuff, and a kickass BBQ. Maybe a spa day, or a trip to the wine country, or a discount outlet shopping thing...
Don't mind me. Babbling. Trying to write - sorry if that sounds disjointed.
Anyway. Point is, help to whatever degree offered if needed.
BTW, I'm going to be in San Diego for an overnighter in August, and the hotel prices are actually slightly higher than SF. That made me blink, bigtime.
What, looking at atom bomb test sites isn't interesting?
I would totally go on the atomic bomb test site tour with you, tommyrot.
Anybody got a Geiger counter they can bring?
We'll use Ollie. When he starts to glow, it's high.
I would totally go on the atomic bomb test site tour with you, tommyrot.
Yay! We could pick up some sand that's been turned to glass by the heat of a bomb. It's probably not
radioactive anymore.
So, let's say, date vote in 2 weeks or so? The 10th and 11th? How does that sound?
That sounds like a good idea. Let's be sure to let the voting run long enough for people with intermittent access weigh in, is all I have to add.
If we do end up with the Bay Area, I totally want erika to come so we can do a Berkeley tour with her, and she can enjoy the pleasure of going just exactly any damn where she pleases for an entire day without thinking about access.
Not even anything special, just Buffistaish touring. Bookstores, record stores, comic book stores. Good Vibrations. Thai restaurants. The awesome Anatolian restaurant Java and Sparky found when libkitty came to visit. The bar named after Samuel Beckett. It would all just rock out loud.
t waves the birthday wave at deb
t disappears in a cloud of work
(waves back at JZ)
If it's here, erika's coming, period. If I have to fly to Phoenix and get her, I will. Her presence is not negotiable.
Period. End of story. We've already agreed to rent a van when she does visit (notice I say when, not if).
I would love to see the Bay area again. I've already started saving for the next face to face.
Deb, I was just looking for a local contact person (there can be more than one, but must be at least one). There are people local to places who aren't able to take that on, so I'm not putting anyone down for it without their ok. You're on the list now (And you can never get off! Mwahahahahaha. Ahem)
Is 2 days of voting long enough? I seemed to remember that being the norm.
Or, Phoenix was one of the suggestions ....