Someone better go to The Old Absinthe House and have an Absinthe Frappe for me.
D'oh! If I'd been able to read your post while in the Vieux Carre, I would have Jilli. Will a herbsaint-tinged Sazerac cocktail drunk there while thinking of you do in a pinch?
I'm finally both home and conscious, after crashing hard upon my arrival last night. This weekend was SO much fun. Thanks to everyone present for making it so!
I cannot believe that I casually floated the idea of Sunday dinner at the last minute and got 10 wonderfully witty and fun dinner companions to sign on. Apparently my Buffy birthday-esque party curse is broken only in the company of buffistas.
Wait. It was your birthday?
No, it's just that normally when I try to organize anything remotely party-like it turns out like one of Buffy's birthdays. (i.e., Angel 100th episode party that I spent hours making babaganoush for and called in a personal favor with a dessert chef to get a specialty cheesecake she hadn't baked in years. Final tally: 14 invites, 11 attendance confirmations, 1 attendee.)
Ack. This is why I never have parties.
Now that I have broadband again, my pictures: [link]
The photos are mostly sightseeing type stuff, although there are a few of Emeline before I turned on the anti-red eye option on my camera. I also have a sixty minutes of video, mostly from the party.
Matt, I had a BBQ like that once. Invited thirty people, had four show up. At different times.
I'll have some photos up later today, I think.
-t, I found your husband's tie clip thing (at least, that's what it's been identified as -- kind of a gold bar with a horseshoe-shaped notch, with a gold chain) in the hospitality suite on Sunday. Should I mail it to you? You can email me the address.
DX just
to instigate with this one, didn't he... [link]
Have I mentioned I really
miss you all?
I cannot believe that I casually floated the idea of Sunday dinner at the last minute and got 10 wonderfully witty and fun dinner companions to sign on.
This seems to be (at least one of) your gift(s), Matt. I seem to remember a similar occurance in DC last year. That courtyard dinner is one of my favorite memories of that weekend.