Jon, Scola, DXM, Trudy have been to all of them. Has Dana? Brenda was at both the Chicago and NOLA. I'm probably forgetting folks.
Laura's the only other person (well, besides Brendon) who's been to them all. The closest equivalent party was probably the LA one, in that it was more talking and eating, with not as much dancing as Chicago or DC.
One thing that was very different from all the others was that most of the non-prom drinking and socializing occurred away from the hotel, and there was no communal TV watching. (The hotel never did manage to get a TV into the HS.)
I think someplace cool (temperature-wise) would make a nice change.
Seattle would rock. I miss my Seattle peeps fierce.
Seattle also has the advantage of a lot of peeps on the ground and in the area.
We could get really wasted at the Space Needle.
Boeing offers free tours of one of their factories.
Boeing offers free tours of one of their factories.
Pfft. Ferget Boeing. Let's inved the Evil Empire and GET 'EM!
I could drag DX to Randy's (a diner near Boeing Field.)
Pfft. Ferget Boeing. Let's inved the Evil Empire and GET 'EM!
(OMG, I needed to read something like that. Today has been somewhat meh.)