laptop/ipod/ipodspeakers/cellphone/chargers for them all
Don't forget cables. I gotta bring USB, and a phone cable in case the hotel has no WiFi.
Isn't it amazing? I bring like, a pair of pants and a change of underwear for a three-day weekend, and I'm still carrying fifty pounds in my carryon.
IME, data port in the room means cable connection, i.e., bring the cord that looks like the phone cord, only bigger.
Wow, I had no idea how drunk I was until I tried to type this post.
My packing list is sucking.
But yeah, iPod, laptop, extra hard drive, microphones, XLR Cables, audio interface, kilts, t-shirts, hawaiian shirts, business cards, trackball, video adapters, digital camera, treo, all the damed cables for those, all the adapters that I think I might need to tie into systems at the convention center for my three talks. I also need to burn a few CD's of "just in case" software and drivers that I might need while I'm there.
Adding to the "people who are flying today" list.
Hi everyone! About to hop a flight back to CT. I had a fabulous time with the DCistas and was so happy to see everyone. Also, I may have brought my friend Jason (who hung out with us all weekend) to the dark side. He may be registering here. Muwahahahahahahaha.
Also, it's my Buffiversary today!
And as you head home I'm sitting at LAX waiting for my flight to Toronto. I'll be having a drink with John Sweden in a few hours.
Well neener to you too!
Ok. Logging off Jason's computer now. He made me food!
I just made reservations at the hotel, [link], and the woman insisted that the price was $119 a night instead of $109.
Tom, she's wrong. I will call the reservation person in the morning. He was supposed to have already corrected the contract (and did so for Jon), so I know it will be fixed. Sorry about the confusion.
They said that when I called to make my reservation - I just said something about having a contract, they checked, and told me I was right.
I'll be making all my reservations the first week of May because I will be broke until then. Will that be ok for the hotel reservation?
Laura, the final day to reserve a room at our block rate is April 20th.