That's fine with me. 8:30 might be optimistic, but not impossible. Rio, you want my cell # so I can let you know if we're leaving the airport when we hope to?
F2F 3: Who's Bringing the Guacamole?
Plan what to do, what to wear (you can never go wrong with a corset), and get ready for the next BuffistaCon: San Francisco, May 19-21, 2006! Everything else, go here! Swag!
Want to make it 9:00, just to be safe?
Got it, Rio.
Yay! I get to see Aurelia, Rio and the Ring.
Got it, Aurelia. Yay indeed!
I will take the ring to Wrigley, though I do not know the way.
DCistas -- Last call for Kristin dinner at Zaytinya -- I have
Kristen +2
Lyra Jane
FredPete and Hubs
anyone else?
Also, we had discussed the timing issue, with the no reservations thing. I will get there at 6:30, tell them that we have a large group coming by 7, and hope we will get seated in a timely fashion.
I should be able to get there by 6:30 ... if my all-day staff meeting ends in time (shudder).
Actually, make it Kristin +1. The second is flaking on us.