Like you didn't *just* buy all the Lush in the world....
Not all. Just...most.
'Soul Purpose'
Plan what to do, what to wear (you can never go wrong with a corset), and get ready for the next BuffistaCon: San Francisco, May 19-21, 2006! Everything else, go here! Swag!
Like you didn't *just* buy all the Lush in the world....
Not all. Just...most.
SA, what should I stock my cupboards with for you? I mean, I figure we'll go out for dinner, but what about breakfast/brunch/second breakfast/elevenses and also snacky food?
You drink o.j., IIRC. Bagels/muffins/cereal/all of the above? And if so, what kind? Snacky food -- salty snacks/cookies/??? And if so, what kind?
Anyone planning on going to see Victor and Thessaly read either tonight or tomorrow? I am debating which to drive up to and Other Buffistas could sway me. Or, you know, force me to make a decision.
And get on the road soon if I am going tonight.
The info be here: Maysa "Sunnydale Press" Jan 6, 2005 12:30:36 pm PST.
eta: As it turns out, the info be the post under the one linked to. Double double posty posty numbering thing.
I can't go tonight, but I'm considering going tomorrow night.
Tomorrow is looking better for me as well. It is a much shorter drive and I am unmotivated to be on the road in the next half hour, which I would have to do to get through traffic.
Around on e later, ND?
Yep, I should be around.
I am insanely delinquent with this, but the last of the pictures from the SF leg of the Nilly Tour have been added to my ofoto album. Just go here and check out the last ten or so. Not a lot, but there are pictures of several Buffistas in pirate hats.
Wow, is Sean ginormous? Cause he makes Kristin look tiny.
JZ, those are awesome, thank you!! I thought I was imagining memories of those pictures being taken.
Kristin *is* tiny.
And Nilly in a pirate hat is the Cutest. Thing. EVAH!!1!