Jayne: What're you gonna tell the others? Mal: About what? Jayne: About why I'm dead. Mal: Hadn't thought about it. Jayne: Make something up. Don't tell 'em what I did.


Buffistechnology 2: You Made Her So She Growls?  

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Amy - Nov 17, 2006 12:01:55 pm PST #9519 of 10003
Because books.

Thanks, Jon! I thought, once I'd puzzled it out long enough, that should be the way it worked, but I wanted to check.

Off to configure.

Amy - Nov 17, 2006 12:52:18 pm PST #9520 of 10003
Because books.

Crap. Apparently to send my Gmail to Outlook, Outlook wants to download my entire account -- inbox and outbox -- and is (after the third send/receive session) only on September 2005.

§ ita § - Nov 17, 2006 1:16:41 pm PST #9521 of 10003
Well not canonically, no, but this is transformative fiction.

My sister is in the UK with her US bought iPod and a non-voltage adaptor (not quite sure what that means yet). Can she just plug the iPod into that?

Tom Scola - Nov 17, 2006 1:21:10 pm PST #9522 of 10003
Remember that the frontier of the Rebellion is everywhere. And even the smallest act of insurrection pushes our lines forward.

If she were in the US with a UK adaptor, I'd say, yeah, sure go ahead. But I would be extremely cautious going the other way.

Jessica - Nov 17, 2006 1:27:12 pm PST #9523 of 10003
And then Ortus came and said "It's Ortin' time" and they all Orted off into the sunset

She might want to look at her travel charger to make sure it's multi-voltage (it should say something like "Input 100-240V, 50-60Hz"), but I had no problems charging my iPod with just a plug adapter in either the UK or France.

This site has a really handy chart that lists international electrical standards.

Dana - Nov 17, 2006 3:47:15 pm PST #9524 of 10003
I'm terrifically busy with my ennui.

I used my US-bought adapter in the UK. Like Jess said, it listed the voltage on the plug.

esse - Nov 18, 2006 1:28:52 am PST #9525 of 10003
S to the A -- using they/them pronouns!

I use my US adapter all the time here, without a voltage converter or any problems. Just the plug converter and directly into the wall.

meara - Nov 18, 2006 11:27:49 am PST #9526 of 10003

OK, so I have my new computer, and I had most all my pictures and music backed up, but two questions:

1) How do I deauthorize the old computer from iTunes? I authorized this one, and it's all "now you've authorized two of your five!" and the only "deauthorize" option seems to be deauthorizing *this* computer, which I don't want.

2) I backed up most of my music, but not the last few songs I've got on my iPod--anyone have a good "steal songs off ipod and put on mac" application?

DCJensen - Nov 18, 2006 1:45:45 pm PST #9527 of 10003
All is well that ends in pizza.

Meara, Second one first:

I backed up most of my music, but not the last few songs I've got on my iPod--anyone have a good "steal songs off ipod and put on mac" application?

Try senuTi

DCJensen - Nov 18, 2006 1:52:46 pm PST #9528 of 10003
All is well that ends in pizza.

1) How do I deauthorize the old computer from iTunes? I authorized this one, and it's all "now you've authorized two of your five!" and the only "deauthorize" option seems to be deauthorizing *this* computer, which I don't want.

From someone on a macrumors forum:

You can go to your account preferences in the Music Store.
To get to this, when you are signed in click on your account name in the top right of iTunes.
it will ask for your PW type it in.
Then you should have to option to de-authorize computers on your account.
Then you can re-authorise the ones you need as you see fit.
I think you might only be able to do this either once a year, or only on a computer that is authorised though.

I also found this [link] to Apples's authorization page.