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Okay, hivemind, I need suggestions.
My old Compaq laptop is dying, slowly, painfully, and unpredictably. It always did suck, and it's kind of old, so this is no real shock.
However, I need a new Windows laptop for to replace the beast.
XP is a must, a DVD-ROM drive would be nice, and battery life trumps most other considerations (except cost) as this is my on-the-go machine. I'd like to spend as little as possible and still be able to get a good 4 years out of it, like I have the Compaq. What should I buy???
I've had good luck with Toshiba machines for my rental laptops. I usually buy the models that are right around $600-$800 and they've been working fine for me.
ND beat to me to it. The Toshiba sattelite series has a been a really good choice for a long long time.
OK, so I have a new desktop (wheee! *pets the computer*) and need a file-sharing program for aheming purposes. I understand the newer version of Azureus doesn't work well, so which program are people using?
I use Bittornado and there is a Windows version if that is what you are using.
I use it on the command line, but I've used the GUI Windows version in the past and it works well. You'll be downloading Linux ISO images I assume.
I like Bittornado, and for the more advanced graphics Azureus-like interface there is always uTorrent. [link]
Thanks, all! I miss the Azureus a little bit, mostly because of the nice interface, but BitTornado looks basic and easy to use (plus no annoying update prompts), so I went with that for now.
I'll check out uTorrent as well; thanks Daniel.
Has anybody else noticed Firfefox having a problem with displaying CSS?
I have not had any problems with the Azureus. I think they fixed whatever problems they were having.