Mal: Hell, this job I would pull for free. Zoe: Can I have your share? Mal: No. Zoe: If you die, can I have your share? Mal: Yes.

'The Train Job'

Buffistechnology 2: You Made Her So She Growls?  

Got a question about technology? Ask it here. Discussion of hardware, software, TiVos, multi-region DVDs, Windows, Macs, LINUX, hand-helds, iPods, anything tech related. Better than any helpdesk!

Jon B. - Jun 18, 2006 11:06:57 am PDT #8330 of 10003
A turkey in every toilet -- only in America!

Thank you Tom (& Wikipedia!).

tommyrot - Jun 18, 2006 11:52:35 am PDT #8331 of 10003
Sir, it's not an offence to let your cat eat your bacon. Okay? And we don't arrest cats, I'm very sorry.

Bah. My iBook is not doing well, and I can't afford a new one at the moment.

What it's doing is making a clicking sound. It clicks continiously at slightly more than one click per second. It's not coming from the speakers, but is something mechanical inside. It starts clicking the moment I power it on (i.e. before the OS loads). So far, I've been afraid to let it run like that.

I'm at a loss as to what is making the sound. How many moving parts are there in an iBook? There's the CD drive, the HD drive, the CD and HD read-write heads, and the cooling fan.... I don't think it's any of those, but what else could it be?

I'd take it to an Apple repair place, but I don't think it's worth spending much money on as I'm gonna buy a new one soon. (It's a 900 mhz G3.)

NoiseDesign - Jun 18, 2006 1:05:02 pm PDT #8332 of 10003
Our wings are not tired

Well, if you are comfortable pulling the machine apart I'd go through each scenario and disconnect an item each time to narrow it down. I'd put money on the hard drive to be honest. Those are what fail most often. The fans tend not to click at that low of a rate. It could be the CD. If it is a tray loading CD drive then try placing some light pressure against the drive door while it is clicking and see if you can feel the mechanism shifting at all.

But yeah, I'd guess HD with CD as a close second. I would certainly do a full drive backup immediately as a precaution.

Gris - Jun 18, 2006 2:17:35 pm PDT #8333 of 10003
Hey. New board.

I'm with ND. Clicking at that speed sounds like a hard drive to me.

Jon B. - Jun 19, 2006 4:57:29 am PDT #8334 of 10003
A turkey in every toilet -- only in America!

Wreckin' freckin' IS people installed some new web filters on the company servers over the weekend. Luckily, this place is making it through (and, strangely, so is youtube!) but bloglines is now blocked. Any suggestions for other blog aggregators I should try?

Consuela - Jun 19, 2006 5:22:39 am PDT #8335 of 10003
We are Buffistas. This isn't our first apocalypse. -- Pix

Jon, you can try the Google Blog Reader. Our webfilters block a lot of stuff but they seem to let everything associated with Google through (for the moment, she adds darkly).

Jon B. - Jun 19, 2006 5:51:15 am PDT #8336 of 10003
A turkey in every toilet -- only in America!

Thanks! I can access it so I'll give it a try.

evil jimi - Jun 20, 2006 9:26:04 pm PDT #8337 of 10003
Lurching from one disaster to the next.

Don't know if this has been mentioned but couldn't find it in a search, so for all you Mac users, follow this [link] to go to the BitsOnWheels site. The "first 100% Native B1tT0rrent client for the Macintosh."

Sean K - Jun 21, 2006 8:16:29 am PDT #8338 of 10003
You can't leave me to my own devices; my devices are Nap and Eat. -Zenkitty

Okay, techies....

My phone bill makes me vomit, and despite the incredibly annoying song in the commercials, Vonage is starting to tempt me. So....

Any and all of you who've had experience with internet phone service, what is your experience? Is that price they give (about $25 a month) real? Any surprise costs? How much of an initial investment is required to make it work? Can we transfer over our current phone number?

Jessica - Jun 21, 2006 8:22:13 am PDT #8339 of 10003
And then Ortus came and said "It's Ortin' time" and they all Orted off into the sunset

My Vonage experience was one of terrible call quality and even worse customer service, originally summarized here:

Jessica "Buffistechnology 2: You Made Her So She Growls?" Mar 5, 2005 3:57:38 pm PST