OK so I've got my SHINY NEW IPOD charging for its first time ever, and I'm about to install the software on my puter, but I have (YET ANOTHER ANNOYING) question: should I install everything that comes on the iPod disc, if I already have stuff like iTunes and iPhoto on my computer?
Buffistechnology 2: You Made Her So She Growls?
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Nonian, you need to go to Bookmarks->Manage Bookmarks...->File->New Live Bookmark..., and add it there.
Do you have a Mac? Because I do and I didn't have to install anything for my iPod to work (since I already had iTunes).
I do have a Mac. So should I just ignore the disc that came w/?
The latest iTunes version is 4.7. That's all you should need.
Woot. I have that. Thanks.
Now I just have to wait FIVE HOURS for my new iPod to charge.
Thanks Tom, it's working perfectly now.
Last night, I gave FAQ Girl her Xmas present -- a 40GB iPod preloaded with 7400 of my favorite songs. I am now officially the Best. Boyfriend. Ever.
(with a tip o' the hat to Rob)
JON! I just emailed you like 5 SECONDS AGO!
I think you'll have to share BBE status with Saget right now, actually. He got me the 60GB photo iPod and made a file of pictures of my nephlings spelling out my name with their hands, over and over. He took the pictures last weekend in Detroit when I wasn't looking, just for this purpose.
The cool kids are totally getting each other luxury cars, FWIW.