free firewall recommendations
I've been using ZoneAlarm, haven't had any problems.
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free firewall recommendations
I've been using ZoneAlarm, haven't had any problems.
I used to have problems with Zonealarm and torrent applications. Have you had problems in that area?
No, haven't tried that, sorry.
thanks for the rec anyway. I installed it. next time I torrent I guess I'll find out!
FWIW, I've used ZoneAlarm for a long time, and I haven't noticed any problems with torrents.
interesting. okay thanks. Zone Alarm was causing some serious issue - maybe it was with Norton and not torrents - but I had to remove it from my computer altogether to do whatever it was I wanted to do.
I had problems with ZoneAlarm and networking and torrenting. I switched to Kerio and everything is sweet.
I should add that it's an earlier version of Kerio that what is on the site now but it should work okay.
Hey, OS X users, are you feeling left out because all your Windows buddies have all these nifty viruses to deal with and you don't? Worry no longer. Now you can get viruses of your very own. [link]
What took so long?
There are Linux viruses, right?
A few, ita, but not many - both Linux and Mac are much more susceptible to Trojans (like this little guy) than the type of virus that takes advantage of actual vulnerabilities - mostly because neither of them have that many big-style vulnerabilities.
Trojans require user activation. Many (most? all?) linux users are a good bit less computer-clueless than the average population, and will only install things from reputable places.
As to why it took this long to get a real-world Apple trojan out there... no idea. Probably because most users only install Apple software they can download from Apple's site, versiontracker, or that one other place I'm forgetting, none of which would leave a trojan up for very long. The very quick response to this one (which was posted at versiontracker originally I believe) seems to fit with that perspective. Thus, not as many virus-writing points.