SA, our network's name is Aurelius, so all the computers have vampire names. Mine's Dru, the old laptop is Spike, and the Tivo is Darla.
That is freakin' awesome. And congrats on your new job, by the way.
'Heart Of Gold'
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SA, our network's name is Aurelius, so all the computers have vampire names. Mine's Dru, the old laptop is Spike, and the Tivo is Darla.
That is freakin' awesome. And congrats on your new job, by the way.
I have another Tivo question. i don't have a phone jack in my room, which is where i will be putting the Tivo. can i hook it up to another tv that does have a phone jack in the room to do the setup and then move it to my room? i'm assuming yes, but i wanted to make sure before i bought it.
tiggy, you can, but there will be some issues with unplugging it -- I think you have to leave it plugged in for 8 hours after the initial setup, or something like that. Also, are you going to hook the Tivo up to a network? If not, then you'll need to connect it to the phone jack once a week or so for updates.
The main problem I foresee with that, tiggy, is that you need the Tivo to be able to make outgoing calls on a regular basis (unless it's connected to your home network), in order to update its listings. So you'll probably want to install a phone jack in the room where the Tivo's going to go. (Or else just buy a really long phone cord and run it into the other room.)
Phone jack installation kits are dirt cheap, and the only technical skill required is the ability to use a pair of scissors.
It needs to be connected to a phone jack (or an ethernet cable if you have a home network) on a regular basis to download the listings.
t edit Tivo Users Unite!
you can get those wingdingies from Radio Shack that will turn an outlet into a phone jack. I heard such things aren't that expensive.
Yeah--if you don't have it connected, then the whole "guide" thing won't be updated.
hee!! thanks for all the responses. much appreciated.
A hundred foot phone cord could solve all your problems.
All this talk about Tivos is tempting me to break my vow not to buy any more toys until my debts are paid off. Granted, I could stop reading the talk, but... nah.
So, Comcast offers a DVD recorder. Is that basically the same thing? Anyone know anything about it?