I'll see if I can figure out if (after getting the right wires) I can hook up the receiver through the pre-amp.
I can't resist. This reminds me of Flanders & Swann's
A Song of Reproduction: >[link]
You've got your negative feedback coupled in with your push-pull input-output; take that across your red-head pickup to your tweeter, and if you're modding more than eight you're going to get wow on your top. Try to bring that down through your rumble filter to your woofer, and what'll you get? Flutter on your bottom!
Theo, did you look on Versiontracker.com?
This is one of the programs that came up when I searched Versiontracker for "vcd": [link] -- I just don't know if it's a good program or not, since I've never made VCDs.
What's the simplest way for me to expand my XP system partition? I have unallocated space on that drive, and would rather expand it than uninstall apps and install them on another partition.
Partition Magic is, FTR, overkill unless it's the only possible way.
Well, there is NTFSResize, which might work with a Linux boot cd... [link]
And there are others listed here. [link]
There's this site that has Windows Media files that I can play just fine on my two year old G3 iBook (900 Mhz, 640 Meg) but my friend Miriam can't play on her brand new G4 iBook (700 something Meg)(The thing just starts and stops, starts and stops). We're both on OS X 10.4, both using Windows Media Player for OS X 9.0.0. We both tried it on the same WiFi network, and we have our WMP preferences set the same way.
Here is one example of one of the problem files: [link]
(In case that link doesn't work, go to [link] and click on '"Sammy The Stem Cell" drops by to talk about the life of a blastocyst.' at the bottom left.)
Miriam says that others are also having problems playing Windows Media files from this site on their Macs, while other Windows Media files play just fine. Also, there's no simple way (that I've found) of saving the file to disk first at this site.
Oh, I'm using Mozilla 1.7 while Miriam has tried the latest Firefox and Safari.
eta: Increasing the buffer size on Miriam's WMP didn't help.
Hmm, I wonder if VLC plays Windows Media files?
ETA: Yes, it does. [link]
Have them download and try VLC player [link] for OSX until they get a solution.
Does anyone know how to delete an account from Apple Mail? It's totally not intuitive.
Does anyone know how to delete an account from Apple Mail? It's totally not intuitive.
Go to www.mac.com and click on "Accounts" on the left hand side.
Log in, if neccessary.
Then click "Mail Preferences" on the right hand side.
Then you should be able to select the account you wish to delete.