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Quark can't really modify pictures/graphics. You still need photoshop and Illustrator.
That's what I though, but my boss seemed to think this would be cheaper because of not needing photoshop and illustrator?!?
I *think* the most recent release of Quark CAN modify pictures/graphics within Quark. (I'm not 100% sure b/c we're still using 4.1, mostly b/c our 3 Macs aren't running the same OS, and 6.0 needs OS X.)
Raq: why not do both?
Yeah, that way you get two internets....
Why stop at two? I have THREE internets! MWAHAHAHAHA!
Yeah, Quark 6.5 (a free upgrade for people with 6.0) comes with QuarkVista, which does allow some manipulation of images right within Quark.
I have NO idea if it's actually helpful, though.
Quark 6.5 (a free upgrade for people with 6.0) comes with QuarkVista
Huh. I stand corrected. I've been using 6.0.
What's the advantage of the original Airport card over Airport Extreme? Isn't 802.11g backwards compatible with 802.11b? (DH's iMac networks just fine with our otherwise 802.11b network.)
Quark 6.5 (a free upgrade for people with 6.0) comes with QuarkVista
Huh. I stand corrected. I've been using 6.0.
I just found out about it the other night, when I was googling for an XTension that I needed. Anyway -- go get your upgrade! And tell me if QuarkVista is worth it.
Thank you all quarkistsas!
The original Airport card had a different form factor than the Airport Extreme card. An AE card just won't fit into older Macs.