I've not seen the original "Do No Harm" spoilers, but people at TwoP are talking about Jack's flashbacks in the episode revealing that he's had a nervous breakdown in the past, and current scenes showing him going all Colonel Kurtz. I will be SO happy if they've mapped the apparently abandoned psychotropic meds storyline onto Jack instead of Boone—him being not right in the head would do a great deal to explain away what looks like wildly inconsistent characterization at this point.
Spoilers 3: First Mutant Enemy, Now the World
[NAFDA] Spoilers for any and all currently running TV shows. All hardcore spoilage, all the time. No white font.
I can certainly see Locke letting Boone die. Beloved? To some I suppose.
I love the thought of Kate leaving Jack to die, but can't see it happening. She didn't off the marshall.
If Charlie is responsible for Claire's death that would be mega cool with him now being a double killer.
None of the character death's would be an unrecoverable blow to me. As long as they gave good story.
The first place my brain went was Kate killing Jack, so I don't think that'll be it. Too obvious.
Lock killing Boone would be easiest, I think. For the writers, and keeping all the other relationships and storylines ticking along.
Maybe Walt kills Vincent. I wouldn't put it past the creepy little freak.
I thought someone brought up Boone killing Locke. That sounds more interesting to me than the other way around.
I don't know... the killing (or accidental death causing) would be more interesting in and of itself, but I see a lot more story potential down the line from Locke than from Boone. Getting rid of the latter would also have the advantage of cutting the weakest actor out of the mix, rather than one of the strongest.
Speculation I've heard ties the depature to the actor leaving for other projects. I think O'Quinn and Perrineau are the only ones with healthy feature film careers, and surely no one would be so idiotic as to want off Lost in order to pursue another TV series.
Wrongda said last week or the week before that the writers decided to drop the "needing psych medication" storyline.
Charlie will not be killed. That was long ago established by the writers. Does Jack really trust Kate? It has to be Boone or Locke in my estimation. Those are the only two "allies" - though others may consider Locke an ally.
I wonder if Walt kills Locke? That would be funny to me for some reason.
That would not only be funny, but very interesting. Walt could then take over as creepy possible big bad, and I would call him "The Annointed One".
That would not only be funny, but very interesting. Walt could then take over as creepy possible big bad, and I would call him "The Annointed One".
I'm fearful for Walt (creepy though he is, I kinda like him) for the very reason the "Annoying One" got dusted - off-season is going to bring a LOT of changes to the actor, and unless they are advancing the time then as well, it's going to be very hard to keep him around without "magical island aging" or something and be believable (not that I'd especially care for that option either).
Hmmm...Yeah. That would be a problem. But it's going to be a problem with the character (who seems to be being set up as significant, in any case), whatever non-dead (including undead) path they take.
No way they're killing Locke. He's their best narrative device.
Killing Jack would be bold and really interesting. That would be my choice. But I'm smelling foilers. They haven't shown that kind of boldness yet, and have prefered the kill fake out.