Their big secret? Their real last name is "Brady".
And Boone used to be a pop star named "Johnny Bravo".
[NAFDA] Spoilers for any and all currently running TV shows. All hardcore spoilage, all the time. No white font.
Their big secret? Their real last name is "Brady".
And Boone used to be a pop star named "Johnny Bravo".
Their real last name is Usher. Not as in, "the musical phenomenon(TM)", but as in Fall of the House of.
So his name is Boone Usher? Who names their kid that?
Ooh, ooh, I know! (And I have now been given permission to spoil at will, since the basics are already out there.)
Boone and Shannon are stepsiblings. Boone's been in love with Shannon since forever. He thinks he's been saving her from abusive relationships by paying the men to leave her, when in fact she's been faking abusive relationships in order to get money. This last time (in Sydney, natch), he figures it out, and Shannon ends up giving him a sympathy fuck in his hotel room the night before the flight.
Meanwhile on the island, Locke has figured out that Boone has an unhealthy obsession with his sister, and when Boone threatens to tell Shannon what they've found in the woods, Locke ties him up and sends him on a vision quest in which Shannon is killed by the monster (but not really), thus severing Boone's tie to Shannon and imprinting him even more solidly onto Locke.
He thinks he's been saving her from abusive relationships by paying the men to leave her, when in fact she's been faking abusive relationships in order to get money.
I fucking love this SO MUCH. Yay, angsty perversion!
Is this next week's episode?
This is awesome.
Is this next week's episode?
Certainly sounds like it from the preview we saw.
Do Locke and Boone know what they found? Besides "it's big and metal", I mean.
He thinks he's been saving her from abusive relationships by paying the men to leave her, when in fact she's been faking abusive relationships in order to get money.
::snerk:: I can't help it; that cracks me up.
This last time (in Sydney, natch), he figures it out, and Shannon ends up giving him a sympathy fuck in his hotel room the night before the flight.
There's only an Ick Factor (for me) if they were raised together, from childhood.
thus severing Boone's tie to Shannon and imprinting him even more solidly onto Locke.
Locke is so completely fucked-up. I love it.
Yes, this is next week's ep (title "Hearts and Minds"). Boone and Locke know that they've found something big and metal, and it has the word "Hatch" on it, except it's the kind of hatch that apparently doesn't open, since there's no handle or anything.
[Tep, they were 8 and 10 when their parents got married. (I can't remember who was which.) So pre-puberty, but barely.]
Week after next is "Special," about Michael and Walt. Michael and Walt's mom were never married, but he was incredibly excited about having a child together. When Walt was a toddler, she got a fantastic job offer and took Walt to live in Amsterdam...without Michael. (Who, because they were never married, and she's a lawyer while Michael's an artist with no money, has no legal way to stop her.) Walt's mom remarries *really* fucking fast, and her new husband adopts Walt. Again, Michael protests, but is helpless.
Walt's mom dies, and Michael gets a call from Brian (now living in Sydney), who says that actually, he never wanted a kid, and in fact, Walt, as kids go, is fucking creepy. He's "different" from other kids. So Michael should take him back, which he does.
On the island, Michael is not happy that Locke's been spending so much time with Walt, and he's really not happy that Locke's been teaching Walt to throw knives. Even though Walt's really, really good at it. Locke tells Michael that Walt is "special" and "different," which really gets to Michael because it's exactly what Brian said. Also, Michael is building a raft to get off the island. Eventually, Walt gets chased by the monster, and Michael and Locke have to work together to save him (and I think this scene will be better than it sounds on paper).