Barb, dare I hope that your tagline is an actual quotation from Robert Pattinson?
Fay, it is. An actual, real life quote. Makes me giggle like a little girl. I've found some others too that kill me, but they're better for Bitches or Natter if you want to read them.
ETA and not completely off-topic, but to satisfy Sail's curiosity, I posted some pics and the trailer for Little Ashes the indie flick where Rob is portraying Salvador Dalí.
OMG. I have just googled that quotation, and come up with a whole bunch of other things, and I am AWASH with (unstalkery) affection for the bloke. I couldn't agree more with his assessment of the book, and now I actually want to go and see the movie.
I know! You just want to protect him from the crazies of the world. He would fit in beautifully around here, don't you think, Fay?
Yes indeed - he seems to have his head screwed on right. And he's pleasingly ornamental, which doesn't hurt - but the common sense and the whole bringing-the-funny gets a person a whole lot of brownie points.
Hi all! It's been a long time since I've been by here. I was wondering if there were any BSG spoilers to be had, but it doesn't look like there's been much activity in the thread this past week or so. I know some preview DVDs of Sometimes a Great Notion have gone out, and I'm desperate for someone to start spoiling.
It's happened every season, no need for the last ten eps to be any different! LOL
I hope everyone had a great holiday season. :-)
since someone linked this thread in TWOP last season, no early BSG spoilers for us ever again.
Not TWOP, the official forums. Where the writers & producers hang out.
Wonderful. *Eye roll*
Yeah, I saw them linked on skiffy last year, and nearly had a heart attack at the thought of people being so stupid (although I shouldn't really have been surprised). How can you not realize that posting the spoilers right under the nose of the man they were taken from (and not meant to be posted) is going to mean that he locks them down for good???
I hate it when a few morons ruin it for everybody. That's why I'm such a fan of private, LOCKED, members-only LJs. People are just... Oi.
Thanks for the clarification, Jessica.