Unfortunate for you, perhaps, but fortunate for the rest of us so we may laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh at the Jello Lazarus Pit.
It kind of takes away from the creepiness of the Lazarus Pit when I imagine it filled with Resurrection Jello.
[NAFDA] Spoilers for any and all currently running TV shows. All hardcore spoilage, all the time. No white font.
Unfortunate for you, perhaps, but fortunate for the rest of us so we may laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh at the Jello Lazarus Pit.
It kind of takes away from the creepiness of the Lazarus Pit when I imagine it filled with Resurrection Jello.
Will there be wrestling in the Jello Lazarus Pits?
See, this should be where Lee and Kara are the star pairoff.
This whole Lee and Kara thing? Very confusing, at least before I've had coffee.
Also in the wrestling episode, Adama v Tyrol. That's gonna be...tough to watch.
The first three eps are going to introduce some unfuckingbelievably messy personal-political stuff, with the humans all divided into varying degrees of resistance & collaboration, and the Cylons divided in their opinion of what to do about it. Gaeta...poor Gaeta. And poor Tigh, too.
Starbuck begins S3 in prison, and has repeatedly killed Leoban to escape, but being a Cylon, he keeps coming back. (Not sure if she actually escapes after killing him each time or not - I'm guessing not.) They also have a half-Cylon child together, presumably from her stolen ovary in The Farm. The kid is the only part of S3 I'm not wild about so far. We'll see how it plays out.
Lee and Starbuck -- remember how we were all wondering how they were going to get rid of Anders and Dualla for those two to get together? Well, they're not. Lee and Starbuck are big cheaty cheaters.
My biggest worry for this season is that it's going to be too dense -- there's SO MUCH going on just in the first 10, I can't imagine how they're going to cover all of it without having the show fall apart at the seams. I have a feeling it's going to demand a much higher level of attention-paying than previous seasons, which I hope doesn't hurt the ratings. (They are going to air a big 90-minute "The story so far" thingy before the premiere to bring new viewers up to speed.)
That's gonna be...tough to watch.
And my decision to read this as tough tough or sarcastic tough depends entirely on whether you mean Bill or Lee Adama.
Oh, Bill. And not sarcastic.
(Tyrol beating the crap out of Lee would be hysterical. In fact, they should add that scene in.)
And poor Tigh, too.
I gotta say the previews I have watched have piqued my interest in Tigh.
Wow. Sounds like an intense season. I'm really looking forward to it. I already watched the season finale (again) 1-2 weeks ago.
I can't imagine how they're going to cover all of it without having the show fall apart at the seams.
How is this different from previous seasons, she asked sardonically?