Grey's Anatomy spoilers from Ask Ausiello:
Question: When does Kate Walsh's contract with Grey's Anatomy end? I'm a huge Addison fan and really don't want her to go. BTW, I'd totally have an affair with you.... But it'd just be for the scoops. ? Chelsea
Ausiello: That basically makes you a whore, Chelsea (not that there's anything wrong with that). I think it's safe to say that Addison (who's rapidly becoming my new favorite character) will be around for the foreseeable future, especially in light of the rumor that Eric Dane (aka McSteamy) has signed on to appear in at least 13 episodes next season. Naturally, no one at ABC is confirming, but the way the Grey's writers gush about him in their weekly blog, it would hardly come as a surprise.
Question: Who's the bisexual intern on Grey's Anatomy? It's not that obvious to some people. ? Megan
Ausiello: Funny story. I got an e-mail from a Grey's publicist on Friday insisting that there are "no plans for any kind of same-sex relationship this season with any of the main characters. Joe, the bartender, remains happily involved with another man though." In other words, it's possible this bisexual plot was scrapped soon after it was hatched. Of course, it's also possible Shonda Rhimes had a gun pointed at that publicist's head when he was typing that e-mail.
Question: I'm dying for scoop about the two-part, three-hour Grey's Anatomy season finale. Dr. Ausiello, I need some emergency treatment, stat! ? Greg
Ausiello: We may meet a new female surgeon who walks like Cristina, talks like Cristina, fights like Cristina and has the same taste in men as Cristina. On the patient front, there may be a huge surgery with something like 11 surgeons involved ? one of whom may be the doc who subbed for Bailey while she was on leave.