ooh. that sounds good.
Spoilers 3: First Mutant Enemy, Now the World
[NAFDA] Spoilers for any and all currently running TV shows. All hardcore spoilage, all the time. No white font.
I have descriptions for the first 6 eps (of each, and Atlantis), at home, so I can spoil more later.
The one major thing I do remember is the details regarding Starbuck's pregnancy. She and Helo find some other human survivors on Caprica (who survived the nukes because they were working in the mountains -- some kind of research team, I think) and they start living with them for a while. In ep 5 or 6, Starbuck gets sick (or injured, I forget which) and is operated on by Simon, the team's doctor. Simon also tries to convince her that she'd be more useful to humanity making babies than piloting ships. (Her answer was not included in the description, but I think it's safe to assume that she told him to go frack himself.) Simon, unsurprisingly to the audience, turns out to be a Cylon, and things start to go badly.
The press kit doesn't explicitly say that Simon impregnates her while he's operating, but that seems to be the way they're going. Which handily gets them out of the abortion question, since when the only doctor on the planet is a Cylon who wants her pregnant, she probably doesn't have the option.
from spoilerfix (re: Lost):
06/28 - A female will get killed of, and it's not Rousseau. I know for sure Sawyer and Jin will be back, and I’m also hearing Michael and Walt will be back. But that’s not to say that everyone will be back for the full season … As I’d mentioned, they all have clauses in their contracts that they can be written off at any time. Gulp. I've heard that Walt is not planning on coming back until a little later in the season ... I'm assuming he might be missing for a while. Source: Kristin on E!Online
I can see it now. Walt shows up mid-season (9 months later our time, a few weeks island time) and MIchael's first words are: "You've grown so much! What did they do to you?"
LOL. Yep. I think his voice would have changed too.
06/28 - A female will get killed of, and it's not Rousseau.
Claire? I would think not Kate or Sun. Nor Shannon, since they've already killed off her half-brother. Maybe Rose?
I have read rumors that Maggie Grace will be the one leaving, but I have no idea if they are accurate.
The X-Men 3 role that was rumored to be the cause of her firing/demise has apparently fallen through. But she's still far and away the most disposable actor, IMHO.
Wah. Please let it be Shannon. I just couldn't deal if it was Sun. I watched Shiri again, great Korean movie with Yunjin Kim and that awesome dude from Oldboy, and it made me love her even more. I'd like to see Sun & Jin rebuild their marriage.
I have just watched the series finale of QaF and I dunno. I'm trying to think of a finale for a show I watched that didn't feel...blah.