I knew I knew him, but I couldn't think of it. Hee. That's what I get for watching late.
Nice ep. Nice mixture of stuff resolved and stuff left up in the air.
They do need to cut back more on the backstory stuff. Momentary flashbacks are enough. Rarely is plenty. Mom of Hurley was funny.
Sounds like we have The Others and The Other Survivors
Depending on season renewals The Other Other Survivors.
le nubian, time to recalc your tag.
no kidding. I like to wait a day or two so people aren't too spoiled too soon. I'm not sure the number is going to be wholly accurate. I need to rewatch the 2nd hatch scene and count folks.
These rear section peeps are tricky. We can't be sure that there aren't more tucked away here and there.
eta: I thought the tag change was vague enough to not be spoilery. Yours on the other hand too indicative.
Hurley should definitely take a census. Since he's the numbers guy.
Okay, so I actually really enjoyed this one, which is a first for Lost so far this season. Guess I'm going to have to stick with it for awhile longer.
I actually liked Hurley's flashbacks because they weren't a re-tread to me. I mean, yes, we know he had bad luck after he won the lottery, but before now it was all freakish stuff. The only bad thing to happen in the flashbacks was distinctly non-freakish and very human.
He should.
OMG, I can't believe I didn't recognize Holland Manners!!
Okay, I loved Hurley's dream.
And I was calling the Other Others, the Other Others too. (And Walt must be with the Others, rather than the Other Others.)
Dude, I know what three months supply of food for one man is, and it's not that supply room. There were two or three dozen candy bars in that one box alone; are we supposed to think that Des and Kelvin both hated chocolate? It would have been more reasonable to say a year or so; still not much when shared out among 40 people.
But I loved Hurley being the goodie fairy, and this episode brought out why I like Jack; he assigns or asks people to do things he thinks they'll be good at, and he generally takes their word for it when they make a decision. Unlike Locke, Mr. "Everything is a Freaky Life Lesson and You Must Suffer."