I wonder why Jack is being set up as the leader. On the positive side, he's relatively fearless, he will attack a situation with a will and a modicum of care, so that may be why. But dude, how clueless can you be? Kate's all coming on to him and he's all, "blah blah caves, blah blah dig in, blah blah, set up new society, work hard, build empire, make computers and palm pilots out of coconuts and black and white stones."
I do think it's odd that Kate is with the group that's hoping for rescue, since that could potentially lead to her re-arrest. If the marshall was, in fact, a government agent of some sort and she really was under arrest, rather than him being a bounty hunter or PI sent by an ex-husband to fetch her back, or something along those lines. But I get the feeling that she might have wound up with the group at the caves if Jack had responded to her attempts at mild seduction.
And I definitely got the feeling that one of the reasons Sun was in love with Jin was that he could take her away from her father and his business.
did he really believe that he could do "a year of management training and a year in the factory" (or whatever the times actually were, I'm probably remembering the lines wrong) and then get out of the business? Or did he not know what the business really was?
I think it's entirely possible, even probable, that SunDaddy has "a" factory, probably more than one. That he would have started Jin in management training for the factory, and then offered him jobs on the side as a "personal favor," each increasingly brutal and more compromising to Jin's sense of right. It's the way mob bosses operate world over, right?
It's been a while since I've been this impressed with a tv show. All the actors are doing lovely, nuanced work. But they're given wonderful stuff to do, and enough time onscreen to do the text justice. Not only that, but there don't seem to be any dead spots in the cast. Scenes that each of the characters have with O'Quinn, for example--he gives so much back, he's so present in his scenes, even if he doesn't have a line. This show is so richly textured, so layered. I'm wallowing around in it like a pig in mud. Even moreso since it looks like THIS one isn't going to be cancelled. YAY!