Good episode. Really liked the opening.
I assumed Desmond was the guy in the hatch as soon as I saw his ponytail. Two people couldn't have the same stupid ponytail in the same show, was my reasoning.
I'm wondering what the wall of kiddy-painting was about. 108, yeah fine, addition is fun, but what's going on with the rest of it? I caught the word 'sick', but couldn't see much of the rest of it. At least that ties in with the quarantine thing.
So possibly the hatch is where some group of people possibly were watching 'the Others', who may be possibly infected with something contagious? To make sure they stay on the island? Or am I really, really reaching?
What is reaching when you are discussing "Lost?"
polar bears
paralysis healing itself
kidnapping of pregnant women
someone trusting Boone Carmichael to run a business
J.J. Abrahms has a master plan?
J.J. Abrahms has a master plan?
I heard he was a master debater.
I heard he was a master debater.
Really? I heard he was a cunning linguist, but I guess they aren't mutually exclusive.
So possibly the hatch is where some group of people possibly were watching 'the Others', who may be possibly infected with something contagious? To make sure they stay on the island? Or am I really, really reaching?
Works for me.
Also, I can't remember--does the hatch have anything to do with the Black Rock? Because the magnet that was working on Jack's key made me think of the Black Rock. Maybe it's a giant magnet. Oh, hey, and maybe that's why the plane and the ship crashed/were drawn there?
On this show, canon will only slow you down. Just oogle the pretty.
Yes, that's why I can't make myself read any long recaps, or even a bunch of medium ones. I need the season in a nutshell.
Do I miss anything crucial below...
GROUP: Plane Crash!
JACK: Well, she might be a deadly killer, but she sure is pretty, and it looks like we're going to be here a while.
CHARLIE: Want drugs, or possibly, pre-impregnated woman
AUDIENCE: Is the kid creepy, or is the kid creepy? And his little dog, too.
AUDIENCE: Oh, much like the dog's, the kid's mother was a bitch, but at least that kid wasn't his own step-sister's bitch like someone else around here, cuz ewwwww.
JACK: You want to talk bitch? My father was a real bitch.
DANIEL DAE Lewis KIM and SUN: We speak English, but we don't actually want to talk to
CRAZY FRENCH WOMAN: Parlez Vous Fracais?
DOG: Urp.
CHARLIE: I'm a hobbit and small enough to be a baby. Oh, here's your baby. Can I watch you breast feed?
KATE: Hmmmm. Do I like Jack, or Sawyer? Yes.
SAYID: That I'm with Snickerbitch is all the proof you need that clearly we're in Hell, or at least purgatory. Oh, and there was a woman in a head scarf somewhere in my past.
LOCK: I once was lost but now am found
'twas blind but now I see
'twas in a wheel chair
and you ain't puttin' me back in, sucker
I'm this island's bitch
I'll set the dynamite off right in your fat face
and how are you still so big, living on fruit and pork, anyhow?
HURLEY: Because the numbers are bad. Have you not been listening? Just because I'm crazy doesn't mean I'm wrong.
Also, I can't remember--does the hatch have anything to do with the Black Rock?
The Black Rock is the old ship they got the dynamite from.
Do I miss anything crucial below...
::laughing and laughing...::