Do we know where Jack is from? Because it's a place big enough to have a stadium, but small enough that there are only 2 doctors in the entire hospital.
mr. flea cracks me up: "How could that guy he met in the stadium be in the hatch? It's so improbable!"
me: "Have you been WATCHING the show? Polar bear?"
JJ improbable? Nah. I'm sure there is a perfectly probable explanation.
I'd love if Desmond was typing the numbers.
I'm putting the accident at 4 years ago. Just cause.
If I were peacefully sleeping in the caves I would be mighty pissed and concerned when I woke up and found 3 fellows missing.
Not only three people missing, but three of the acknowledged leaders missing. Sayid is pretty much it for defense of Shannon and all the unnamed survivors....
I enjoyed the Demond weirdness and the Walt creepiness and the Locke InsanoSexxxy-ness and at this point am not looking for answers Behind It All. Maybe just some Answers Behind Some Stuff, like the Others. I would prefer the weird stuff that brought them all on that flight to stay fuzzy and mostly unexplained, because I think it can't be and to try and do so would make it all unfun.
I'm just enjoying the ride.
Complaint: No Jin!
So, Hurley *was* a patient in the psych ward. Interesting. Wonder what brought him there, to meet the numbers dude?
So, Hurley *was* a patient in the psych ward. Interesting. Wonder what brought him there, to meet the numbers dude?
I don't think we ever saw him as a patient. When he went back to find out about the numbers, he'd been out a while.
[eta: DUH, I can't read. Nevermind.]
the EMT said that the other guy involved in Mrs. Doctor's accident (caused by her?) had the last name of Rutherford. According to the poster, Shannon's last name is Rutherford, and her father died a few years back. Connection?
Ooh, cool. I like it.
I was surprised by how much I liked Jack and Sarah together. I hope we see more of her.
I liked after Hurley finishes telling Jack about playing the numbers and winning 100-odd million dollars, Jack's all, "you were in a psych ward?"
Not only three people missing, but three of the acknowledged leaders missing. Sayid is pretty much it for defense of Shannon and all the unnamed survivors....
Sayid will no doubt be upset with Jack for the big fat lies he told the cave dwellers before abandoning them. He should beat the crap out of him, after they both take off their shirts of course.
Once more and I think it counts as a running "missing the point" joke wrt Hurley and the Numbers. First Charlie disbelieving him about the money, and then Jack with the mental institution.