I have a rule where you're not allowed to be a martyr unless you go willingly to your death. And not in that "Please let me die of my pneumothorax than of violent exsanguination from the leg, thank you very much" way.
We do not reward clumsy people with martyrdom, or else the Catholic pantheon of saints would be really, really enormous.
after viewing the promos, I came away with one conclusion:
Hurley needs a love interest.
That ad has undone all my good work pimping the show. The show has been on in Ireland for about six weeks now, and people haven't really been watching it, or they'd watch one or two episodes, get bored and not go back. So I've been telling people to catch the Channel Four episodes instead of going back to RTE because they won't know what's going on. And now pretty much every one I know hates those ads with a passion and refuses to watch the show at all.
Hated them . huh. I like my tv show, and movie ads to be somewhat ambiguoous. ( not product ads - I want to know what they are talking about). But then , I want a story. even a tiny story. So I don't want to know everything.
here is what I get from watching the add.
Plane crash
People - some are oddly happy, some are terribly sad . some might even be dead. and who is with who - well. we'll see. Just enough to make me pay attention to the print.
Maybe they can get Roger Moore.
Oooh, thanks for that linky,ita!
Four or Five seasons? AT LEAST!!!
Once dead they stay dead? What about PapaDoc?
Once dead they stay dead? What about PapaDoc?
Well one could make a case for Jack having imagined all that.
Then again... where is the body? *spooky music*
Well, that makes me want to tune in for the premier, so that's a good. I wonder what will be underground. I'm still thinking some sort of lab.