The Oceanic-air site has an easter egg which is apparently a page (Pink Sheet) from the finale script (although the events on the page never aired). I have no idea what I was doing when I found it. SPOILER It refers to Charlie being chased by Lostilla, which is described as a huge thing that is part mechanical. There is a handwritten comment on the side that it is or is like a mapinguari, which is desribed here as:
The deep Amazon jungle of Brazil provides the backdrop for tales of the Mapinguari, a large nocturnal animal with a frightful screaming cry. Locals describe the Mapinguari as about two meters in height when standing on its hind legs. It is covered in red hair and emits a foul odor. Its feet are turned backwards and its claws are capable of ripping apart the palm trees upon which it feeds.
Spoiler done
Y'all can fight over Terry O'Quinn amongst yourselves. I respect him, but he's not TV boyfriend material to me. I'll just be over here snuggling with Naveen Andrews, critiquing the brawl.
Narrator's whitefont sounds a lot like
the PGl monsters in Feast
that's on the top page. You have to click within the cancellation text, and a rectangle comes up, and you get a 4-way arrow, with which you can move the page around.
The specific phrasing of the
comments on the page
makes me think it might be a
foiler. However, if not, it looks like we were right on the "invisiomechasaur" name. It also, IMO, bumps up the level of technology on the island (not counting the probability manipulation of the numbers).
Not really spoilery about the Oceanic Air site, but I'll whitefont it anyway:
The president of Oceanic Airlines is identified as Michael Orteig. Raymond Orteig offered the $25,000 prize that Charles Lindbergh claimed when he was the first person to complete a non-stop Atlantic flight solo in 1927. The story is here.
Spoiler done
Narrator, I think your HTML is wonky -- the link at least doesn't work, and your Spoiler done text is blinvisible.
As this post may be.
eta: This post
invisible, so I edited your post to fix it.
The "spoiler done" text is visible to me.
edit: And, ita, your post was also visible to me prior to your edit.
well, I watched. and I enjoied. but I am not so sure that I will be haunted by it all summer. who knows what I will do as all the schedualing conflicts come up.
I know I'll be haunted by how fine the menfolk on the raft were. That was a lot of fine, and if I'd been Kate, I'd have been trying to take Walt's place.
Shannon still sucks, as far as I can tell. Sun's the only chick I like.
I know I'll be haunted by how fine the menfolk on the raft were
I'll conceed that . yummmm