Ah, but Hurley wasn't at the airport (without running) long enough to interact with anyone on that plane beforehand.
He did run into Arzt at the checkpoint, but I agree that it seems unlikely that if the look between him and Walt indicated a past encounter, that it happened during his mad dash to catch the plane. He did cross paths with Charlie at the hotel, so it makes sense that he could have seen Walt there.
Once upon a time, a month ago, these people were strangers, the [airplane] scenes seem to be telling us -- and they were nicer to each other then.
Well, except for Shannon deciding to ruin Sayid's day.
We don't know why Hurley was in Australia, do we?
Tracking down the numbers, talking to the mental patient's army buddy's widow with the artificial leg. In the middle of nowhere.
Maybe I'm not snarky enough by nature, but I was just reading the TWoP forums, and there are some seriously pissed off people there. I don't know about anyone else, but I loved last night's finale, and I didn't expect *every* single question to be answered because, hello, no reason to watch next season then, right? I don't know -- I didn't think it was a waste of time at all.
Neither did I. I was surprised by all of the "OMG I want those two hours of my life back" comments. It wasn't
The Thin Red Line,
people. That's some time I could use back.
Did Ethan take Claire, or Rousseau? Because Claire's extremely brief memory flashback showed her scratching Rousseau, yes? Does Rousseau know Ethan? Were they together in some way? Did I miss something?
It didn't occur to me until someone here said something, but we also don't know how Claire escaped - which could as plausibly have been Rousseau's doing.
I don't know about seriously pissed off, since I never lent it my heart, but I did think it was a crappy finale that accomplished pretty much nothing that couldn't have been accomplished in a regular 46 minute episode.
I'm with Allyson. It was padded, and really, the only question that got answered was who brought the comic book to the island. There really ought to have been more.
This is a stupid thought, but does anyone recognize what game Walt was playing on his GBA SP? We've seen in the past that events tend to happen based on what he's done (read a comic book about polar bears, talk about a bird that decides to fly into the window), and I was curious if the game's plot had anything to do with events that happened.
Or, it could mean nothing.
the only question that got answered was who brought the comic book to the island.
But once you know that, the rest follows by induction...
1. The others don't make sense to me. They have a boat capable of going out at least 15 miles and back. They have been there at least as long as Rousseau. Where do they get the gas for it? The island has to stay remote so they pretty much have to be based there. Possibly Walt conjured the whole thing up.
2. Disappointed none of the Michelle Rodriguez back of the plane stuff was shown. I wanted the resolution to Boone's transmission. When we got to the black smoke I immediately thought of them. Black smoke=plane fuel. Why would the others make it known they were coming?
3. I don't think anyone on the raft bites it. I think it would be a mistake if they did. Michael has to find Walt. Sawyer is resident hunk now that Boone is gone. Plus he has that thing with Kate and he's the natural foil to Jack. Jin and Sun aren't resolved.
4. The island, the hatch and the security system. If you go with Locke's theory that the island brought them there as it has many other ships and plays in to the numbers, all this mechanical stuff is not fitting. If there is some kind of installation on the island it would have to be to investigate the mysticism of the island.
It's obvious to me the whole stretching the finale out 3 hours was so they could provide competition to both Smallville's finale and American Idol. I think what so many people want to know, me included is if there is a payoff and we wanted that before investing anymore in the show. Let's face it the whole show hinges on the reason why they are there, if it's lame and don't buy it people stop watching. In that sense I didn't like it- they didnt leave enough bread crumbs for me.
There were also a lot of things said in various media as to what answers we can expect and that plain just didn't happen.
Black smoke=plane fuel
I thought black smoke=no pope.