So, who wants to bet that next season, when they find Walt, he's on a big throne being worshipped by the Others as the One Who Makes Weird Shit Happen?
The Others are gonna be in for a world of hurt until they figure out they'd better keep Walt happy.
Huge thing on Jimmy Kimmel tonight with Lost. Some funny (DM flirting with HP's wife in the green room- there was a whole thing about her being the lottery girl from Hurley's flashback who made out with Sawyer) some not (a bit about what happened to some characters) and some HoYay-kinda (JH offering to trade bug spray to Jimmy Kimmel for a kiss).
So, who wants to bet that next season, when they find Walt, he's on a big throne being worshipped by the Others as the One Who Makes Weird Shit Happen?
I'm going to die if the Groosalugg shows up.
I handwaved it as the explosives being from Rossseu's ship, and she was just storing it in the Black Rock.
That was my thought, too. My problem is that the Black Rock is way too intact to have been sitting out in a jungle in the weather for more than a hundred years.
Interesting article about last night's "Lost". A short excerpt:
What do Hurley's numbers mean? Again, who knows? (Um, apparently, the Hatch.) The numbers made the episode — especially during Hurley's mad dash to flight 815 — wildly entertaining, partly because each time we viewers noticed a number, we felt really smart. Like Hurley's hotel room number being 2342. Noticed that one? Brilliant! And then each of the numbers — 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42 — showed up on the big guy's dashboard. Noticed that too? Great. $1600 in exchange for a scooter? Cute. Gate 23? All right already. An entire girls sports team with numbered uniforms, all in order? The number stuff got blatantly comical by this point, but this was still one of my favorite scenes. It was significant in that we learned that everything and everyone Hurley encountered that day tried in some way to keep him off the flight, yet he managed to get on the plane anyway. It makes me think that since Hurley himself is invincible, maybe there weren't supposed to be any survivors of Flight 815. Maybe it was supposed to be a normal plane crash in the ocean somewhere, and Hurley's presence on the plane is what initiated this weird limbo the characters have been living in all season. This heavily Hurley (ha) theory does give him most of the power on the island, but maybe that's how it's been all along. Shhh. Don't tell Locke and Jack!
BTW...I wonder if Hurley and Walt met at the hotel prior to the plane ride. I think Michael's hotel may have been the same as Hurley's...
My problem is that the Black Rock is way too intact to have been sitting out in a jungle in the weather for more than a hundred years.
Petrified wood? (I'm just making shit up)
That is so cool on the numbers. I was horribly distracted during the show. People kept talking to me, and stopping by. Ugh. I have to watch again in peace.
I didn't even notice the numbers. I love that sort of throwaway weirdness.
As for the Black Rock, I'ma just gonna say OMGWTFOldShip!!! and leave it at that.
I'm thinking that Rousseau wasn't involved with Ethan and maybe was scratched when she rescued Claire. This was before she heard the voices about the boy. She may have been trying to save Claire from the same loss she endured. Until she thought she could make a deal with the dark side of course.
The others were um odd.
I've only seen parts of the movie, but the Others reminded me of a Deliverence type thing. You think someone is there to be a normal, helpful person and then the world shifts drastically.
I just can't quite get a handle about what The Others' plan was, aside from moving the plot along, and what Rousseau was doing and why.
Then I realized that I was watching an Abrams show and it's probably not best to get emotionally involved in things like continuity or logic.