Anyone else think it was put in there for just that reason? Jeez.
Are you implying there should be another reason?
I am rewatching a bit in the middle I missed part of, and ewww. Locke didn't even change his bloody shirt when he went to talk to Shannon. Gross.
Uh huh. See my note to Locke upthread.
It's too bad that Sawyer didn't have a phonebook handy to read aloud to poor little Turnip....
Are you implying there should be another reason?
Well, yes, I would rather it were in there for some other reason than "Let's make all the fangirls swoon."
I am so excited by the schism between Sayid and Shannon.
As soon as Sayid saved Locke, and Shannon flounced off, I said to myself (allowing for time difference) "Somewhere in LA, a krav practitioner is dancing with glee."
Well, yes, I would rather it were in there for some other reason than "Let's make all the fangirls swoon."
I'd say taking the piss out of Sawyer (again) is as good a reason as any.
They did restrain themselves DX. They could have written that Sawyer had to rock and sing to the child to quiet it. Hurley's attempt was nice.
Has everyone forgotten about the show due to the overly long HIATUSES (hiati?)???? Normally I wouldn't be able to catch up the same night as a new ep.
There isn't a whole lot new. Unless something pops out on rewatch. All I got was this one was pretty and that one was annoying. There have been a number of theories put forth in the past for the mysteries, but nothing has been added that proves or disproves anything.
Has everyone forgotten about the show due to the overly long HIATUSES (hiati?)???? Normally I wouldn't be able to catch up the same night as a new ep.
Also, I've noticed the whole board has been a bit slow (with occasional flurries of activity in one thread or another), as I've been able to keep up with Natter and Bitches with little effort.
I'd say taking the piss out of Sawyer (again) is as good a reason as any
Yup -- as Laura said, to really get the woobie-lovers going, Sawyer would have had to touch the kid. As is, it was kinda like the glasses thing. A healthy dose of mortification, instead of fully teddy-bearing him.
So, Matt -- which one of the flashback guys was your classmate?
He was the main one-Sayid's friend that flubbed the bomber part of suicide bomber. Good to see him getting increasingly prominent roles on TV, though I'll cross my fingers that the next one is unconnected with terrorism in any way.
Naveen was hitting them out of the park last night. Such good performances, both in flashback and the current storyline. I hope the producers are taking note and will avoid sidelining him in future episodes.
Conversely, Maggie Grace really didn't sell me on her grief and anger. I know Somerhalder griped about his funeral episode not showcasing her in mourning, but suspect it was due to the fact that the actress' "grief" looks eerily similar to "dyspepsia." At any rate, I won't be wondering any more why Shannon's never had an episode devoted to her whereas Jack and Kate will each have 3—better to save her for when the story calls for a Cordeliaesque snipe or an asthma attack.
Jack's deluded single mindedness would have irritated me greatly had I been on the island. But I'm glad to see in a meta sense that Dr. Perfect is being revealed to have less than sound judgement. And not only the writers seem to recognize it, but also Kate, Sayid, and others among the castaways.
So, Matt -- which one of the flashback guys was your classmate?
He was the main one-Sayid's friend that flubbed the bomber part of suicide bomber.
Seriously? Wow, I thought he was of THE HAWT to almost match Sayid! Definitely a great-looking guy, and a wonderful actor to boot. When the two of them were playing soccer in the park, I was drooling.
I know Somerhalder griped about his funeral episode not showcasing her in mourning,
damn, does that dude EVER stop complaining?
Matt, your classmate was Teh Hott, also very affecting. He and Naveen Andrews worked really well together. Excellent.
What was the tactical advantage to Locke telling Sayid that he had smashed up his head and equipment? Discuss. (or, not- don't want to be bossy) But seeing those two play mental chess was very interesting.