We just need a medical professional, and we're good to go.
Can I sit in the stakeout vehicle disguised as flower delivery van and make wisecracks into a headset while you risk life and limb in a boobytrapped abandoned warehouse/center for evil plans to steal the disk back from the badguys who will use it for evil?
Aha. Sawyer didn't argue when Kate demanded the alcohol because she had carte blanche. Continuity is a wunnerful thing.
Allyson, i was bummed we didn't get to spend much time together. no lunch or dinner or anything. making a trip just to come visit would be excellent. will work on that.
now...who wants to see some pics? i thought so.
Sawyer didn't argue when Kate demanded the alcohol because she had carte blanche. Continuity is a wunnerful thing.
Oh. God, you're right! Nice.
Did you get the impression that the
carte blanche
was for one raid of the stash, or many?
I thought it was unlimited.
I'd love to think it, but I don't think that was it. You'd have seen a moment of Sawyer debating whether it applied.
I think the urgency got through before his defenses could saunter into place.
I notice that Jared appears in almost as many fan pics as the VIPs. (Not that I blame the photographers...)
I was talking to him yesterday about his popularity, and he looked quite blankly at me. Not as extreme as my expression in the Hiddensky picture, but still a bit stunned.