If when in labour a woman says "I'm so scared", the correct response is not "I'm scared too".
I hope this isn't experience talking.
I guess it goes double if you're the de-facto doctor.
You mean Kate? She was the de facto midwife, NSM doctor.
Still, not soundling like a great idea.
I'm now imagining the effect on Claire of Kate screaming "I don't know nothing 'bout birthing no babies!" in hysterical tone.
I hope this isn't experience talking.
No, but I did give P formal permission to punch me very hard in the face if I do.
Evangeline Lilly is on the cover of Lucky magazine!
No, but I did give P formal permission to punch me very hard in the face if I do.
Very wise man. I'd go with "You're doing great, honey. I'm so proud of you" or some variant thereof.
A newly tweaked version of my screencap goof.
Apparently, Ian Somerhalder is going to be in a different horror movie than the one I linked to earlier in the week.
Matt, I love the new captions on the second Jack and the Locke screen caps.
So my friend went to the set yesterday. Sort of. She got there and it turned out they were filming the big finale scenes and the set was closed. She did see a couple of the cast -- apparently Josh Holloway is shorter than one thinks. And she was invited back later.
Oh, and the finale?
It's (unspoilery)
three hours long.
Or so she was told.