There's a petition to bring Boone back. [link]
iFor those of you who don't care to follow the link it says:
I have been a fan of Lost before it even premiered...Boone had never been one of my favorite characters until before his demise..I feel that each character on this show serves a purpose..So I say to all the writers of Lost...BRING BACK BOONE...
I think boone's purpose was to die. He did it so well . and it looks like it will fuck up Locke, Jack , and Shannon. Not bad for 1 charactor that annoyed a lot of people ( on the island as well as audience)
So one of my coworkers is getting a set-visit on Thursday. When she spoke to the guy who's giving her the tour, he said they're still filming 5 episodes. Which sounds wacked to me, but that's what she said he said.
And he should know, cause he's definitely involved in filming. No, not a cast member, he's on the production crew.
FIVE??? I thought they were done filming on Friday.
Or something like.
That is weird. I wonder if they are filming bits and pieces of different eps, or 5 whole episodes.
Yeah, I was confused -- I mean, the finale airs in a month. Post must take a while. So maybe they're doing pickups, or shooting... I dunno.
Can't wait to hear her stories, though.
It makes me wonder if they decided to reshoot some things, in order to have the arc make sense, or you know, exist.
It is five, I believe, because we get a new episode each week in May, and the finale is two hours.
I'd just gotten the impression that more of the remaining episodes were in the can. They're shooting way longer than they'd originally planned, even if they end this week.
So, we've been really sad that the cast is still filming and the party is in a couple of days. Yesterday, Evangeline Lilly called Maya and left a message that she's so sorry she can't come, wishing us luck, saying that what we're doing is a great thing, and otherwise being very sweet. Nice!