her toast, it kind of creeped me out that she didn't say one single word about liking/loving whatever - it was all about the hero, nothing about the man.
Me, too, brenda! I kept waiting for her to say how much she loved him and I just kept right on waiting. Skeeved me right out.
Yeah, no kidding. Love really is one of things that it would be appropriate to mention at your own wedding. I mean, really.
I also don't understand the point of the Jack gets married backstory.
I took this very differently than some of you. Since he was flashing back to the wedding pre-amputation -- and then actually went through with the ceremony, which was the last we saw of his "wife" in flashback -- I thought him giving in to Boone's demands to let him die proved that he *hadn't* learned to give up previously.
We don't know anything about his wife, she's never been mentioned till now (i.e. he's never told anyone on the island about her), which leads me to believe that something didn't work out there. Meaning, maybe he knows now that he *should have* given up on the marriage beforehand, and he was drawing on that when he chose not to keep trying to save Boone.
her toast, it kind of creeped me out that she didn't say one single word about liking/loving whatever
Yes, this. It came across as complete hero worship to me, that whole "doctor as god" thing, not romantic love.
Also, I agree with Cashmere -- when you're really in the throes of delivering a baby, it could be televised on national TV and you wouldn't care. Asking Kate to do it probably stemmed from Jack, misguidedly or not, trusting Kate to handle it effectively. Charlie might fall apart, since he loves her, Hurley faints at the sight of blood, Jin doesn't speak English, etc. The only other choice was Sun, and I think he knew he needed her at that point.
And Jack's "Locke murdered him" pronouncement was completely over the top, at least if he's actually thinking with malice aforethought. Locke could have slit his throat quite effectively, which Jack should know, and he did carry him in to camp, asking for help. Jack feeling like Locke got Boone into something he shouldn't have is maybe reasonable, but it's still not murder. Seems a little disappointing as the tipping point for the battle, if that's what it's going to be, between Jack and Locke to begin.
We better find out what the glowy light is soon. That was intriguing.
I'm also sitting on the bench with those of you creeped out by wife's toast. I thought it was actually disturbing.
I like your analysis, AmyLiz. That makes a lot of sense to me. So far, we haven't seen anyone on this show do
the right thing in any instance, except Sun, who is becoming a little too competent for my taste and Hurley, who is hit and miss. Mostly, they are all very flawed people flayling about in a very unnatural situation. Trying to make the best of it but often missing the mark.
I guess I thought Jack is calling it murder because he tells himself that Locke was responsible for Boone's injuries, and also by not sticking around, Jack had no answers.
It probably wouldn't have helped for Locke to stick around, but Jack is pissed.
I like quester's point about these folks being believably imperfect.
A lot.
in danger of being too correct. She should jump Hurley's bones among the papayas on a whim, then DK him the next day.
Sun-N-Hurley Fer Evah !1!!!!
So would that pairing be "Surly"?