Playing catch-up....
Wasn't the axe ruled out because they don't have it with them, it having been stolen by Boone and Locke?
When the baby was born, I thought "hey, Boone reincarnated!" and then they flipped back to the caves and Boone was still alive. humph.
I actually thought Kate was a bad choice for the baby delivery but only because she kept freezing up when Jack was giving screaming orders. I halfway expected her to freeze up and Jin to step smoothly in.
I'm definitely in the camp of "what the heck was the flashback of the wedding for?!"
And how adorable was Sayid?
I'm definitely in the camp of "what the heck was the flashback of the wedding for?!"
I'm going to copy what I've posted in a couple people's LJs as a comment:
Jack's dad said commitment is what makes him tick, and I really think that to put it in those terms cemented so many fundamental aspects of his character. That and the fact that his bloody wife calls him a hero in front of everyone else. See, maybe we didn't learn anything new about Jack specifically, but I think we learned a lot more about why he is the way he is. I mean, look at the guy. Look at what he has to live up to. He has a hero complex because he's expected to be a hero. Put this together with the fact that he has a fierce need to be fully committed to something, and you have a man who must! save! everyone! And it's like...I almost feel sorry for him, because I'm not sure this is who he wanted to be, but it's who he's become because he's had to. Aw crap, I almost cried writing that. Identity issues always get me.
But, "he thought of you" is closure. "Tell Shannon---" isn't. Because then you spend the rest of your life going, "Tell me what ?"
Sounds like a good contest: "Tell Shannon ---"
"I had Sayid first."
Wasn't the axe ruled out because they don't have it with them, it having been stolen by Boone and Locke?
Jin was using it (or one) to work on the raft in the beginning of the ep.
Thing is, Jack hasn't mentioned his wife, we didn't actually hear a pronouncement or see the end of the ceremony. I'm suspicious about this whole wife thing. Something else happened, even if they did get married.
Don't let the hatch door hit your ass on the way out.
They weren't going to use it on his
Jin was using it (or one) to work on the raft in the beginning of the ep.
Ah. nevermind then.
*goes back to being annoyed about the preview "look at all this stuff you don't get to see for another month!!". grr.*
I actually did want Kate to give Jack some kind of, "Look, just because I have BOOBS doesn't mean I know how to DELIVER BABIES!" speech, because it seems to be a common television misconception, and just ONCE I would like to see it corrected. (Farscape came closest.) But she didn't.
I couldn't decide whether it was a case of chauvinism on Jack's part, chauvinism on the writers' part, Jack giving the task to someone Claire would be more calm and comfortable with, or Jack knowing that Kate does well under pressure whereas Charlie would be having the mother of all freakouts and be no help whatsoever.
I can speak from experience that you don't give two shits what gender the hands are that are pulling the kid from you. Nope. And that person could be accompanied by a entire brass marching band and it wouldn't increase your discomfort level by one whit.
I think the choice of the female delivering the baby is more a comfort for the people doing the delivering (or not in this case). I didn't care for the almost waiting-room like aspect of having Charlie and Jin sitting back while Kate and Claire did all the work. Since there was no birthing chair or bed for Claire to lie in, it could have made her more comfortable to have the guys bracing her legs while she pushed.
Or if the goolie was too scary for the boys, at least have Charlie sitting behind her cradling her to get her into a sitting position and keeping her cool with a wet cloth or something useful.
it could have made her more comfortable to have the guys bracing her legs while she pushed.
This is what my GF was saying too. They could have been on each side holding her.
Jif Peanut Butter sent us a giftpack for auction
This is charming. I love it!
This is charming. I love it!
Yeah, but it's
and you have to imagine the contents.