I'm pretty sure it was called compartment syndrome in the episode
I'm sure it was, but I heard, "blah blah syndrome", so Vonnie's clarification was a help.
if you can tie off those arteries and stop the leaking, then you can give him blood he can actually use.
I think there are more efficient ways of tying off an artery than chopping off a whole leg. E.g., he could have just applied a tourniquet, written off the leg as "must amputate eventually," and stuck with the chest cavity problems. I mean, same outcome in the end, but a lot less drama.
Oh, yeah! I shouted at the tv during the death scene at Jack's self-involvement. Oh, gee, Jack, thanks for taking up so much time with your flagellation that Boone has to spend his whole death toll scene forgiving you, and doesn't have time to address anyone like, oh, his sister!
I was glad they didn't amputate. This whole episode was medical show squicky. Although I guess it went better than could be expected. I mean, really amazingly better, what with the middle-of-the-jungle without even the convenient not-dead doctor to help you out demon baby delivery.
Pretty cute for a demon baby.
Oh, no, the words "demon baby" have put Jack-Jack from The Incredibles into my head! Now I'm picturing Claire chasing the kid around with an extinguisher...
I was, along with Claire, relieved to note that it seemed perfectly normal and healthy. I am sure, of course, that this is some set-up for some traumatic future development.
Of course, Jack-Jack looked perfectly normal and healthy, too, so...
See, I don't think Claire would want to be without Jack & Sun, should something go wrong with Babyof DOOM.
That baby looked really young. Ever since Tim mentioned that newborns were usually played by preemies, I've been far more accepting of babies that seem to be a composed 12 or 13 pounds at birth.
That baby looked at least six weeks old.
That baby looked really young
I thought so too. I thought it might be one of the rubber prop babies but then it was moving around too much. I have a vague recollection of seeing a segment on Discovery about the company that makes the fake babies, body parts, etc and they are pretty realistic but not that much.
There was one shot where I definitely thought rubber baby (and not buggy bumpers) but otherwise, cute. Of course, when I thought it was a doll, I was sure that tentacles were going to spring out of its eyes or something, but no.